Since I am into conduite accompagnée , (driving with company or student driver ). Of course, two weeks before taking the exam I did 4 hours of driving with my driving school L'ECF Ecole de Conduite Française. I cannot do more than 4 hours because no one would take care of my daughter. If only my baby sitter is available during weekdays I could have driven almost everyday but unfortunately this is not the case. He needs to go to school and we could ask him only on weekends. For a year or more I drove with my husband to get ready for that D-day. I tried to take the exam Last January 3, 2005 but I failed, maybe because I am not ready yet and not too prudent so I don't deserve to have a licence.
The day has come! Second try, it started Tuesday, February 13. I took 1 & 1/2 hour (10:30 to 12NN) of driving with my monitor to warm me up before my exam in the afternoon at 2:30. Instead of preparing lunch for us we have eaten out in the resturant to keep me calm and relax for the exam. We went to a restaurant not very far from where the exam will be held. Time is running fast....the clock ticks....and it's time to apply what I have learned. To do the best I could to get this licence...by hook or by crook.
We went directly to the lieu of exam 30 minutes advance. When I saw the school car from afar, I went out from the car and left my husband and daughter who wished me good luck. Saw a very young girl who just took the exam. Now it's my turn so I was the only student taking the exam with a monitor from my school as representative and an inspector beside me. The inspector is the one who decides and determines if I follow and respect the signs and priorities. He has my file with him to take notes if I am capable and deserving to have a licence. To tell you the truth, I was not at all nervous or stressed out because I am determined to get it no matter what it costs me. It's probably because I had warming up therefore I am still hot and in good rhythm. I drove and followed the inspector's instructions if I will turn right, turn left, go straight, make important control before taking a decision and to stop if necessary. He asked me to park the car, he asked me 3 questions regarding the internal functionalities of the car. In short, I drove, maneuver the car and answered 3 of his questions (2 out of 3) that exam lasted for about 35 minutes.
Exam is over ! I didn't know if I did it or not. Inspector told me Merci Madame vous pouvez partir (Thank you Ma'am, you may leave). They told me to wait for the result after 2 days. Two days have passed and I still haven't received a letter from them which is supposed to be mailed. And Makis telling me to call the school just to find out and to released me from torturing myself of thinking. Kala who is sending me YM to boost my moral, thank you very much for the support guys it means a lot to me. My other friends who are always there and who believe in me Ate Zeny, Sarah, Gelaih, Jhona thank you too and most specially to my husband for all the support. My kids who give me the courage and determination everyday. Special thanks to Analyse for the encouraging words you sent. Thank you Lord for not letting me down ! Most especially to my family back home who offered an endless prayers. Hours of lesson is over, the ceaseless yelling of hubby's finally on it's end line, stressing out is finished. Welcome to the new adventure.
the proof
Note : New drivers avail 6 points in their licence for 3 years. Within the span of 3 years I need to be very careful and avoid infractions otherwise I will loose points according to the degree of violation. Generally experienced drivers have 12 points. After 3 years of keeping my 6 points without infraction I will accumulate another 6 points in my drivers licence.
This A is for you and for my independence !
For those who are struggling to pass their licence goodluck and I wish you all the best.
Kala : Thanks to you too Kala! Am sure next time it'll be your turn. OO nga eh , di bale see you in Qatar ;) !
Agring : Thanks a lot Agring! I've been wanted to have this licence finally I made it, it was not very easy but at least I've worked hard to get it ! Belated Happy VDay too !
Anonymous : Ne vous enquetez pas! Je serai prudente sur la route ! J'applique tous ce que j'ai appris à l'auto école! Merci d'avoir donné votre avis!
Thiz : Thank Thinz! Oo kailangan talaga! That's the general rule. You take care too!
Good luck and drive safely.
I am happy for you haze, at last!
good valentine treat from the inspector, haha, kasi you did well and its hearts month, it adds to it!
you deserve a treat, haha.
Teka na sa april 21 nad 22 kami ni Lolo, margie and anjo.
We are staying at Lousiana Hotel, near the marigana airport.
how about dinner with us in hotel lousiana,with makis family too, sagot na ni Lolo, with your family, of course, hehe.
Malapit ba kayo sa marignan airport?
In case you are free and makis,
eyeball tayo.
If not, as you are soo excited, I would understand...
bisous ! and more blessings...
Francesca : Salamat ! I'll see, we will probably go north but I will doublecheck my calendar na rin. Will ask Makis if she is available too on that dates :) ! BTW, we are 30 minutes from the airport !
Nao : Thank you Sis ;) ! Nagbunga rin pinaghirapan ko ng matagal! Tara ng magbyahe! Wanna ride my car, hehehe kaso lumang luma yon ha :) !
congratulations again, mwaaah!
Mr. Dodong Flores : Thank you for passing by Mr. Photographer! Getting a licence in the Philippines is as easy as buying nuts. I just hope it will change then people will be more deserving to have it and will act more responsible on the road! Hindi bara-bara!
Niceheart : Thank you very Much Niceheart !
Sexy Mom : It was really tough! I even cried when I was driving because of pressure co'z I thought I will not make it. It's hard to drive where I live because the street are narrow at the same time it can be a 2 way road pa tapos uphill and downhill pa! And to have the licence costs me a fortune. Somehow, I managed to bring out the best in me and it turned out pretty well! I am sure that you can drive it's just a matter of guts and determination :) ! Good luck to you whenever you really want to have your driver's license!
Toe : Thank you Toe! Of course I would be glad if you could give us a visit :) libot kita dito! mmwwaahhh!
Sana Andyan kayo on those dates...
Siya, excited pa rin ako sa french dl mo. Kaka saya ng puso na you passed it, its a dream come true!
Kaya mo mag 12 points agad, ikaw pa!
Angelo : Merçi beaucoup Angelo! I will be very careful will have all eyes open on the road ;) !