It was one Monday morning, when I was still in post before I resigned from my previous job in IT STYLE as an Administrative Assistant. I got a call from an assocation named ACTA VISTA. It was the Directrice Administrative and Finance. I was asked to come Tuesday for an interview but I told her that I would not be available the whole week as I am still at post. She proposed me to come Tuesday next week so then I agreed. I can vividly remember the feeling of joy when I got that call 😀.
Came Tuesday, I had mixed emotions of excitement, nervousness, stress 😏. They were 2 of them who made the initial interview, the directrice and the project manager. I am happy because the interview went just fine. It was very spontaneous so I felt very confident and proud to undergo interview in French. Well, I've been in France for 18 years but still it is not my mother tongue so I sometimes find it difficult to find the words. Helas, I was advised the they will call me for a second interview, this time with the PDG if I will be chosen. So then I left...
Came Wednesday, I got a call from the Directrice and she asked me to come for the second interview with the General Director. I can only tell you that I was a bit nervous as it was the big boss who interviewed me. In reality, he was a very nice young man, very open and he made me at ease during the interview. He told me that he's not the one who will decide but the HR will. He just wanted to meet me in person for him to know my motivation for the job.
Came Thursday, I got a call from the HR and they told me I was hired. I was ecstatic 😍 !!! They asked me to start right away. So then I started Monday and I had my 1 week integration. The first task I did was to sit down with each department to have a vision of what they do, to understand the company culture and personality of each person. I believed that getting involved and interested are a great way to endear colleagues to show my eagerness to have this new job.
I have never been so integrated in a company. Colleagues are so helpful and they make me feel at ease everytime. My place is here and the job I have is very rewarding because we are helping people who are far from employement. Personally, it is a win to win situation because we help and train people to one of the historical places in Marseille at the same time these historical places will be restored, preserved and to spread awareness around about these monuments and their importance as part of our city heritage.
Our Missions: Revealing stones, revealing people
ACTA VISTA supports more than 500 job seekers every year by deploying a unique approach. By daring to entrust the most prestigious media to people far from employment, it allows them to regain confidence, pride and lays the foundations for their social and professional inclusion.
With the Bao Formation, it is based on a pedagogy focused on transmission through professional action, where each learner is offered, at the end of his or her career, the passage of a level V professional title recognized by the Ministry of Labour and Employment (mason of old buildings, carpenter, roofer-zincer, etc.); our sites become real open-air schools.
Finally, these employment and training actions are based on the proper restoration of emblematic heritage sites to bring them back to life.
Came Tuesday, I had mixed emotions of excitement, nervousness, stress 😏. They were 2 of them who made the initial interview, the directrice and the project manager. I am happy because the interview went just fine. It was very spontaneous so I felt very confident and proud to undergo interview in French. Well, I've been in France for 18 years but still it is not my mother tongue so I sometimes find it difficult to find the words. Helas, I was advised the they will call me for a second interview, this time with the PDG if I will be chosen. So then I left...
Came Wednesday, I got a call from the Directrice and she asked me to come for the second interview with the General Director. I can only tell you that I was a bit nervous as it was the big boss who interviewed me. In reality, he was a very nice young man, very open and he made me at ease during the interview. He told me that he's not the one who will decide but the HR will. He just wanted to meet me in person for him to know my motivation for the job.
Came Thursday, I got a call from the HR and they told me I was hired. I was ecstatic 😍 !!! They asked me to start right away. So then I started Monday and I had my 1 week integration. The first task I did was to sit down with each department to have a vision of what they do, to understand the company culture and personality of each person. I believed that getting involved and interested are a great way to endear colleagues to show my eagerness to have this new job.
I have never been so integrated in a company. Colleagues are so helpful and they make me feel at ease everytime. My place is here and the job I have is very rewarding because we are helping people who are far from employement. Personally, it is a win to win situation because we help and train people to one of the historical places in Marseille at the same time these historical places will be restored, preserved and to spread awareness around about these monuments and their importance as part of our city heritage.
ACTA VISTA supports more than 500 job seekers every year by deploying a unique approach. By daring to entrust the most prestigious media to people far from employment, it allows them to regain confidence, pride and lays the foundations for their social and professional inclusion.
With the Bao Formation, it is based on a pedagogy focused on transmission through professional action, where each learner is offered, at the end of his or her career, the passage of a level V professional title recognized by the Ministry of Labour and Employment (mason of old buildings, carpenter, roofer-zincer, etc.); our sites become real open-air schools.
Finally, these employment and training actions are based on the proper restoration of emblematic heritage sites to bring them back to life.