My last post was very short, just a simple greetings to everyone to welcome 2016. We all have been very busy with everything personal or professional so blogging is obviously a laborious task to accomplish.

When I first started blogging, everyone was blogging. When Facebook started, everyone is facebooking until now and so bloggers are drastically fewer. I think the major thing is that I miss all those bloggers who have gone away. It's like they are part of my everyday life and that something is missing. I love reading their every blogger's post I personally learn from their experience and vice versa. It does help to cheer me up, make me laugh, make me encourage and understand life better.
I still check on bloggers post that I love but never commented. It's not I lost my motivation in blogging but what I need is time. An ample time to write what I think, what I want to share and even write to complain (which is not me) but I feel good, complaining in humoristic way.