learning to be in whatever state

One Monday, I found myself cutting 30 kilos of white chicken and beef, peeling 30 kilos of carrots, onions, bell peppers of any colours. In between, serving clients and washing dishes and kitchen stuffs (of course with the use of machine) manual washing would be impossible. Plus, cashiering on the side...quite a tough job to do everything at the same time. Good thing, being a Mom of three have trained me through the years to learn multitasking and to be well organized. Accordingly, my 2 months experience helping a friend in her restaurant business have contributed a lot to my daily learning since I am not trained for this. It's something different I used to do in my past life. Even though the last 7 years I was working in the hotel industry I never had the chance to work in the F & B Department. 

During my first years in France, I had interviews but I had my first baby, so working right away in France didn't materialised. Then had my 2 daughters in the following years after. The fact that my family is my priority and it's really a choice, mine and husband so I am a stay at home Mom for so long. On the other hand, on the work side of things, they need someone who speaks fluently in French not only speaking English , but of course English is a big plus. A driving permit is a must and a big advantage especially in the area where I  live because of many strikes. Hence, I still need to at least improve my French and pass my driving license before I start working. Tough, tough tough ! 

Now, I think I have accomplished my personal goals......to speak French (and still perfecting), passed my driving license. Though, raising kids is a non-stop job but at least I have raised them when they were babies and to continue educating them while working part time. 

As I re-enter the work force after 11 years of  child care is not something easy. As I've said, it can be daunting, exciting, overwhelming and even intimidating sometimes but I try to overcome challenges in whatever state I am. Now, that I have my first real job offer after 11 of  being temporary inactive from the workforce..... I so am happy to find one ! Even though it's different from all the jobs I used to do, I am content to experience the world of working in a restaurant and how it goes  ! 

In a foreign country like France, every foreigner needs to be integrated, learn the language and to adapt oneself before finding a job which is capital . Unfortunately, my diploma in France is not recognised so I need to get the equivalent of my degree which is quite a  hassle because of  long procedures. I guess, though haven't tried it yet. Or choose the right training course I want to specialize or be spontaneous in choosing a job and not to limit myself, in short be flexible !
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stay on top of your work and increase your productivity. - See more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/225865#sthash.3ynheH2o.dpuf
stay on top of your work and increase your productivity. - See more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/225865#sthash.3ynheH2o.dpuf


Makis said…
Mommy Haze pa! You can be anywhere & still come out a true winner!
Alde Cruz said…
and that is the trait of a so many Filipinos around the globe. Mabuhay kayo!
haze said…
Makis thank you! We could be all winners in life. Just choose to open ourselves and our lives up to that possibility ;) !

Greetings to you Alde Cruz, thank you for visitng my blog ! Mabuhay tayong lahat nasa ibang bansa man o nasa Pilipinas !