Number one in the list : one must never forget to smile even you have had a bad hair day. Now matter how tiring your day is, it should not affect you do your work. Smile is contagious remember. Be Observant : this should mean you do not forget "food partners". Meaning if a client orders a French fries do not forget to serve him condiments (salt, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard and the likes). This shows that you pay attention to your clients. Do not wait for them to ask you for something they need, propose instead. Most importantly, show them that you are a "menu expert". Having to know the restaurant menu is fundamental. It a good exercise that you explain what is the menu of the day and would be able to answer all their questions. Plus, a deft waiter should be able to make suggestions because client sometimes could be lost or undecided.
The list could be so long, there are more techniques to follow and to put into practice. I guess, I should get a training for this because one time, I took all the glasses while clients were not done eating.. They've just finished the main menu, dessert is just coming up. The lady told me not to take the glasses yet. I was so embarrassed so I just excused myself. But, it's part of my learning as a temporary waitress.
This is why I always give a tip when I go to restaurant but this also depends on the service of the waiter/waitress. It was quite an intense experience as I was able to go out from the ordinary life I have.
photo taken from this site, thank you.
photo taken from this site, thank you.
Makis, yes demanding Frenchies though that's not only what I encounter there are also good ones, buti na lang !!! Dali visit me in Marseille for a KFC treat ;) !