Ce n'est pas dans ma nature de me plaindre, mais aujourd’hui laissez- moi me plaindre bon sang ! Je vais vous dire pourquoi ? Mon voisin d’en bas m’énerve car le dernier fois il me demandé de me garer comme il l'aurait souhaité. Moi, je n’ai pas hésiter de le faire autant. Oui, je me tais car j’avoue ça m’a énervée et puis il y avait mes enfants avec moi. Je ne voudrai pas avoir la dispute et me causer plus de problème car ça sera plus mon voisin dans pas longtemps, hélas ! J’ai toujours respecter les consignes dans la résidence, car il est vrai qu'il est très important d'avoir de bons rapports avec les voisins. Mais alors là, je n’ai pas envie d’avoir une relations amical avec cet homme. Lui, qui se gare toujours juste devant le bâtiment sur un marquage jaune au niveau de l’entrée et il s'est permis de faire une réflexion. J'ai faillit lui dire que le marquage jaune au sol ne sert pas à grand-chose si tout le monde se gare comme vous. Mais bon, je n’ai pas osé de lui dire, j’ai préférée me taire.
cet homme se gare la !
et moi je me gare juste ici en respectant le marquage au sol
En revanche, pour se faire remarquer et quand je trouve l’occasion je me gare à proximité de l’entrée…je le fait ! J’en suis carrément sûre qu’il ne va pas aimer, je m’en fou ! C’est pour lui montre que j’ai tout les droits de me garer où je veux non en respectant lau même temps le marquage au sol? Et si la prochaine fois il me fait des réflexions, je vais lui faire comprendre. Si quelqu'un veut être respecté par les autres, il le faut une vie digne de respect en comportant ainsi, mais malheureusement ce n'est pas son cas.
Translation :
It's been ages I have not written in French and it's funny to find myself in front my computer typing, searching and correcting words in French. To be able to update my blog is already quite difficult but it's like that. It took me a long time, to click and courage to start myself. ... and hey, here I am risen!
It's not in my nature to complain, but today let me complain, dammit! I'll tell you why? My downstairs neighbor annoys me because the last time he asked me to park my car as he wished. Me, I did not hesitate to do so. Yes, I admit it made me angry but I didn't say anything because my children were with me. I would not want any hassle and cause me more problems because it will be my neighbor not for so long, alas! I always follow the instructions in the residence because it is true that it is very important to have good relations with neighbors. But then, I do not want to have friendly relations with that man. He, who always parks in front of the building on a yellow mark in front of the entrance and he allowed himself to give me instructions. I almost tell him that the yellow mark on the ground is useless if everyone parks like you. But hey, I did not dare to tell him I prefer to keep quiet.
However, to get noticed and when I find the opportunity to park, I park near the entrance not in front... I will! I am totally sure he won't like it, I don't care! It is to show him that I have every rights to park wherever I want right and respecting at the same time the lines? And if next time he'll call my attention, I'll make him understand. If someone wants to be respected by others, it takes a life worthy of respect, but unfortunately this is not his case.
Well, anyway, goodluck with your neighbour. Just keep your cool. :)
I went to the French language instructor, asked her what "Je ne sais pas" means, and she looked at me, smiled, and said "I do not know"
I got angry until I found out that the phrase "Je ne sais pas" means "I do not know."
If you came to me for advice on dealing with mean neighbors, I would answer in the only French I remember from 1987:
Je ne sais pas
That's exactly my point Niceheart, he is parking in front of the building everyday! Personally, it's a disrespect from his part. And take note he dared to critic me, the nerve, while I always respect the signs and codes!
Hey Keith, well he's just a kind of guy who who critics parking. And he does exactly what it should not be done in the residence.