Three years ago, when I approached turnarounds, when I needed to pay at the tollgates, when having to and obliged charging car fuel…I COMPLETELY PANIC ! I don’t know but driving, drove me crazy. I was grumpy as there are a lots of things to do at the same time. It’s like multitasking but the only multitask I know is when I work at home or in the office. And driving is another story so if I fail, I’ll bleed like a stuck pig ! From anticipating, controlling, braking, shifting the gear, how the hell am I going to do that ?
Driving in Marseille is a long ordeal, a vast milestone in my years. Just when I imagine I am behind to the short strokes somewhat surprising draw closer. After three lengthy years of driving, manoeuvrings and holding on with only 6 points in my license as an apprentice, I am now a certified driver (normally experienced drivers have maximum 12 points). No more "A" stick at the back of my window car. No more aggressive tailgaters, not anymore betwixt and between an attempt to make a choice whether to pass by turnarounds, paying at the tollgate is just a piece of cake. I can say that driving is like clear as a bell.
In between years, I admit to break one of my tail lights after driving a month or so which is normal for a new driver. I got an infraction once and I paid 35€ for that. Apparently, I parked on the sidewalk lane (sidewalk is very large and doesn’t bother any pedestrian). I stopped there for only 10 minutes. well the police didn’t accept my explanation even if I am 8th months pregnant. I supposed, odds seem stacked against me that day.
What’s funny about this, I was thinking to take off my “A” on June 12. My husband asked me “Why June 12? I remember you need to take it off early this year.” I kept on ignoring him and continue to keep my A. Out of the blue, I took the yellow paper copy (Certificate of License) a proof that I have passed the Permit B. Husband is right ! Darn, I should have taken it away 4 months ago. And so two days ago, I proudly took it off and I can finally say hello to 12 points and goodbye to my panic attacks !
Driving in Marseille is a long ordeal, a vast milestone in my years. Just when I imagine I am behind to the short strokes somewhat surprising draw closer. After three lengthy years of driving, manoeuvrings and holding on with only 6 points in my license as an apprentice, I am now a certified driver (normally experienced drivers have maximum 12 points). No more "A" stick at the back of my window car. No more aggressive tailgaters, not anymore betwixt and between an attempt to make a choice whether to pass by turnarounds, paying at the tollgate is just a piece of cake. I can say that driving is like clear as a bell.
In between years, I admit to break one of my tail lights after driving a month or so which is normal for a new driver. I got an infraction once and I paid 35€ for that. Apparently, I parked on the sidewalk lane (sidewalk is very large and doesn’t bother any pedestrian). I stopped there for only 10 minutes. well the police didn’t accept my explanation even if I am 8th months pregnant. I supposed, odds seem stacked against me that day.
What’s funny about this, I was thinking to take off my “A” on June 12. My husband asked me “Why June 12? I remember you need to take it off early this year.” I kept on ignoring him and continue to keep my A. Out of the blue, I took the yellow paper copy (Certificate of License) a proof that I have passed the Permit B. Husband is right ! Darn, I should have taken it away 4 months ago. And so two days ago, I proudly took it off and I can finally say hello to 12 points and goodbye to my panic attacks !
Well, I'm glad you feel more comfortable with driving. It can be pretty stressful in the city. Bon chance!
Hope you and the new baby are doing great!
I am proud of you, Haze. God bless