Thank You 2009.... Cheers to 2010

Back then, I used to have a list of resolutions every coming of the New Year. Looking back from the past and and more importantly contemplating and moving forward to changes. Honestly, I did a lot of change but sadly some of these resolutions remained unchanged. Tough right, sometimes skeptical of even making the effort. That was long time ago and I haven't thought to make a list since then. Having a New Year's Resolutions is not at all useless. It's good though somewhat disappointing if ever I may not achieve all of them. Especially after having promised myself to do every changes. It really sucks confused !

Now, I go for spontaneity and be realistic wink ! I live each day, tries to correct all these wrong actions, I don't aim higher or lower neither perfection but just enough for me to reach them. I still have a long way to go, but each day I endeavour to amass more courage and conviction. I am thankful for 2009 even though it's been both the best of times and worst of times around the world. I wish everyone a Happy New Year and may this year 2010 will be even better full of hopes !!!


The Pope said…
A blessed Happy New Year my friend, may new hopes, joys and good health follow you and your family.
Wil said…
For some reason, I am excited about the new year. Here's to an awesome and prosperous new year! Cheers! :D
Makis said…
See you in the new year, Haze!
haze said…
Thank you for your wish The Pope I'm wishing you the best for the coming year. Thanks for checking up on me !

I'm sure you'll have many surprises coming your way Wil, good luck and cheers to hope and better year :) !

Yes and New Year means new hope Makis !
kala said…
Belated happy nyunyir haze!