Giant Virus

The world has been debating about the vaccine for H1N1. The virus which is extremely increasing in which lot of people are against it ,others are for, some are confused. I belong to the confused one. I am not against vaccines but I need further explanation, I call for more proof, I require assurance especially that I am 5 months on the way. After exchanging conversations with friends, moms from school and a lot or reading thru surfing from the internet I have decided to get vaccinated. I have also received a go signal from all our doctors (Gynecologist, Generalist, and Pediatrician). Without their consent, I am probably perplex until this very moment.

How it happened :

Saturday, I have received a letter from the Social Security for a free vaccination of H1N1. The letter says that vaccination will take place in order of priority and a predetermined schedule. The priority populations are those persons 2 to 64 years with high risk factors, pregnant women, people close to infants under 6 months, the professional early childhood up to three years, infants 6 to 23 months with risk factors suffering from severe chronic disease. Finally, I went Monday morning together with my husband to proceed with the procedures. I was the only one who received the letter but a nice woman proposed to my husband to take the shot since we have waited for 2 long hours. Now, we are both finally vaccinated. We were surprised because we thought that there will be few people but I can tell you the queue were unstoppable. We have waited for 2 long hours to get vaccinated. As for our children, there is a campaign that vaccination will be done at school premises, therefore we are waiting for that and the letter that will follow from the Social Security.

Concerning about the signing of a paper to make the State liable-free of any inapt honestly, I have never come across it neither my husband with different vaccine injected. The only paper I signed was to act in response to the questions concerning if I have a history of allergies from drugs and vaccines. If I am under treatment of any sickness and the sorts. For pregnant women, the vaccine appropriate for us is called Panenza without Adjuvant likewise with children. Example wherein Canada approved the use of Adjuvant-free.

In the end, they gave me the necessary documents like the certificate of vaccine against H1N1 with my signature in it, the kind of vaccine they injected and a notice of information for the vaccine users.

The Effects :

The doctor informed me that vaccine may cause fever, soreness and redness in the area which I didn’t have until today. The only thing I felt was mild numbness which I think is normal for an after-effect. I was thinking if in any case there will be a long term effect I supposed the medical services is present and will provide us the necessary treatment in the future.

I have read that medical researchers worked on this treatment for the H1N1 virus (or swine flu) that employs a diverse approach. Instead of disabling the virus with a drug, they're generating a vaccine that triggers and manoeuvres a patient's own immune system to attack the intruder.

I am not convincing anyone to do the same. Besides, when you receive the letter it is not obligatory yet for the moment. But in time it will probably become a mandatory for everyone, I just don’t know. This is to share my experience on how it went for me. If any case, if there will be an after effect we can always contact our doctors. Or if you want more information’s please check the following website EMEA European Medicine Agency and Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaires des Prodiuits de Santé (French Agency of Sanitary Safety of Health Product).


Angelo said…
Salut Haze, I'm glad to hear you got the vaccine considering you are pregnant. I've been contemplating getting it as well 'coz they've finally made it available in Canada to everybody and not just high risk groups.... hmmm maybe I will get it, thanks Haze. Good luck with your 2nd trimester!
Analyse said…
i start to consider the question seriously now, since i heard the news about the death of a 6 year old.. and after talking to friends who work in Sanofi.. i think we'll get it.
malor said…
Hi Haze, My husband and I also have had the vaccination about 2 weeks ago because we just gave birth almost 4 weeks now. I was skeptical at first. We awited until i gave birth before getting it, though. I did not have the energy and stamina to fall in line when I was pregnant. Now, the line has dwindled. I have not had any reaction so far. The state (at least here in the US) is not liable but they will help with treatment once you developed a debilitating disease such as guillain-Barre Syndrome which was the main issue with the swine flu mass vaccination back in the 70's. But right now they think the vaccine is safer. It is a good idea to get vaccinated when you are pregnant since 6% of death from H1N1 are pregnant women. Also, you will pass the immunity to your baby. It is also written that the H1N1 vaccine is close if not similar to normal seasonal flu vaccine. About making it mandatory, I think it is against any democratic value. You think?
Angelo said…
Salut Haze! Ca va? Remember how I told you about those paternity claims directed at Nermal? It turns out that he really is a daddy! My ex confirmed it. Not only that, he's a grandfather now too. hehe...