2T's = tips and tag

It’s a known fact that milk and dairy products are good for building bones. But didn’t you know that limestone (Calcaire in French) which comes from tap water is the best for building bones? As I was watching E=M6 (it’s a French program mainly directed towards research, new technology and hard sciences). Limestone is rich in calcium carbonate. We know of more recent years that calcium content in water is considered almost as well as that contained in milk and dairy product. So if your water is rich in limestone, is good for your bones and helps prevent Osteoporosis. Check the water supply in your place if it is not rich in other elements are less good for health (nitrates, lead pipes etc.) and if it’s hygienic.

Cutting without crying…..Monster Onions! Yes, I speak about onions that we use for cooking. The matter has reached a juncture, when cutting onion turn out to be a constant nightmare. We always cry in cutting them.

“When an onion is cut, the ruptured onion cells release enzymes which break down nearby sulphur compounds into oxides and acids. These re-form to make a gas. This gas moves into your eyes and then mixes with your tears to form sulphuric acid.–from Alton Brown in a Good Eats Moment”

You could end up cutting onions like her razz ! Images from here , thanks !

There are no realistic way to resolve this but we can drastically diminish the crying moments. So to avoid tears, peel onions under running water. You can also place them in the freezer a few minutes before you peel them or dip them in a few very hot water. Or trim off the ends, put onions on kitchen paper in the base of the oven and microwave on High mode for a minute. You will be able to get rid of the skin more easily and won't cry when you chop them up.

25 Random Things

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!

Thanks for this tag Mahalia and Nao but I won't tag anyone but if you want to tell more about yourself please feel free !

1. Blogging is my therapy, it’s not that I am insane I just like writing them down to express, to rant, to laugh, to cry and learn. Silly, dilly what kind of fool am i ?

2.I love reading books to my kids before they go to bed. Now that my kids are into school they correct my pronunciation thus I learn French at the same time.

3. Love washing our cars.

4. Love doing outdoors sports even in the cold winter!

5. I love practicing my French writing when I write my blog.

6. I am a fan of martial arts since I was a kid.

7. Since I am a stay at home Mom I am very enthusiasts in surfing the net for employment submit my CV, we’ll never know.

8. I hate pressing of all the household chores.

9. Love chatting with family and friends.

10. I love dancing.

11. I know I am not a good cook, I don’t have a magic touch but I like inviting friends over for lunch, dinner or organizing party ! IRONIC and I love to experiment in the kitchen. Terrified ???

12. I am not good in tennis and golf is boring me.

13. My favourite colour is blue, well many says it’s the colour for men but I don’t mind I am not very feminine either.

13. Instead of drinking Coke I replace them with sparkling water, Badoit or Perrier is perfect.

14. I miss the Philippine Mangoes !!!

15. Addicted to Chippy and Boy Bawang !

16. I am not an artist myself but I dream to be one.

17. I am persuaded that I will learn to snowboard and I am working on it....patiently!!!

18. I was once in the newspaper for winning the Regional TKD sports competition held in Zamboanga.

19. I am a positive thinker.

20. Have motion sickness and I cannot live without my Nautamine.

21. I hate smoking and gambling !

22. Hoping that customer service in France will improve rolleyes !

23. I am not a computer geek but I'm figuring things out by myself.

24. I love my province Sariaya Quezon.

25. I want to travel around the world if the budget permits of course.

26. I love to learn another language, either Spanish, Italian or German (this is a give away)


Angelo said…
Salut Haze! I'm gonna have to start drinking limestone rich water coz I'm lactose intolerant now hehe... You know I've tried cutting onions under water but I just can't do it, I just wear goggles... just kidding.

Haha your first thing listed made me laugh... are we bloggers insane? probably a little bit eh? So you're learning how to snowboard? that's cool.... I tried it once and it was fun, but boy my body was all beat up when I woke up the next day. Bonne chace avec le snowboarding and avec tout les chose sur ta liste!
Makis said…
Or you can wear goggles when you chop onions :D
Anonymous said…
Coincidence! I'm trying to learn snowboarding, too. It's not going too well since we don't go often enough... Maybe someday when we live in Switzerland:) (shhhh... don't tell Xav I said that:)
Toe said…
Hahaha... you're so funny about that insane thing.

I think it's true... sometimes the tap water is better than the mineral water... better for teeth and bones.

I also don't like pressing and I love Boy Bawang. :)

Keep on with your French writing... it sounds beautiful though I don't understand it. :)
Chibog in Chief said…
i need to see you dance dear hihihihihih :-)
Wil said…
Drinking water rich in limestone. Interesting. Haven't heard of that one before.

Regional Tae Kwon Do winner? You can probably kick some serious a**. :-D
Leah said…
Not sure if our H2O here in my community has limestone. I know it has Fluoride. I do take calcium pills and Vitamin D to build my bones. And I now exercise , so that helps.

I miss Pinoy mangoes too. There's nothing like them here. And yeah, I do love the outdoors even with the cold weather. A breathe of fresh air does a lot of good.

My car is a mess, a car-wash would be nice. wink :)

Raquel said…
Thanks for the info Haze. I also wash the onions after mabalatan ko.

About your 25 randoms:

3. Believe ako sau, yan ang ayaw ko.
4. Makes me envy nga eh, aside English may pa French ka pa. Naks, kakainggit.
14. Hmmm, ang dami dito.
21. I hate smoking too.
Jo Travels said…
Is that you on top of the rock on your header? Cool...

Snowboarding is easier than skiing I believe. Customer service is terrible all over Europe because service workers don't depend on tips. With our background, Spanish would be the best language to learn. I promised myself a hundred times to enroll in a Spanish class. Travelling is like setting yourself free everytime... start by small milestones of cities to travel within France or neighbouring countries.

haze said…
That's good for you ANGELO I am sure you know this fact as you are medically inclined Doc :D! Goggles or sunglasses will help.

I love snowboarding and so I really hope I'll make a long descend this time :D ! I've already started and I think I managed pretty well! Hahaha well, blogging is an extension (partly) of what we are! Merci bien.

Or blindfold MAKIS!

I think I would excel more with snowboarding. Well, that is a good reason to come to Europe then... come on let's get on with our gears JOANNE ;) !

I think we are in some way TOE. Just check the status of the water to make sure. I can clean the house all day while eating Boy Bawang but pressing, please excuse me :(. Thanks Toe, am really trying to write French at least once a month.

DHANGGIT let's go dancin' !
haze said…
I didn't know this either WIL until I saw this program just 2 weeks ago. I love E=M6 program as it's helpful. Hahahaha for self defense ;)!

Complimentary vitamins sounds good LEAH. There are mangoes here but exported from China and you're right our mangoes are the best ! Outdoor sports help burning calories and fats. I would love to clean your car...for FREE ;) !

Ewan ko ba basta gusto ko maglinis ng kotse RAQUEL! Buti ka pa nasa Pinas sige ikain mo ako ng mangga !! You can always take lessons naman and I'm sure you will excel !

Nice to see you here DP ! That's my Honey on top of the rock taken in Corsica!

I thinks so too co'z I tried skiing 5 years ago but unsuccessful. Sad to say, got a cross ligament injury. But when I tried snowboarding, finally my knees felt smoother and more stable. With skis when I fell I'd have my knees twisted most of the time. Not good for someone who has cross ligament.

I think you're right European CS are the same, Asian countries have better CS! Another language will be a big plus for sure;) ! That's what European borders is all about. They are and accessible just by car or high speed train. My kids have been used to travel since they were young, surely a good experience for them too ;) !
Anonymous said…
we have a (very) high level of limestone (we call it hard water) here too! good for the heart but not for the skin, thus I am suffering from eczema at the moment(coupled with the wintry cold weather)...not good.
wehey, taekwondo champ ka pala !respect!

Francesca said…
ONION peeling and slicing is annoying kasi iiyak ka talaga. Oks yang naka shades ah, good tips, lol
Analyse said…
limestone is good but at a moderated dose.. well at least for the washing machines and pipings in our house hehe.. i'm thinking of installing a water softener at home, to remove most of those water hardness such as magnesium and calcium carbonates.. trop de calcaire!
Hi, Haze!
Glad to know a few things about you... :)
haze said…
Oh sorry to hear that PINING if we are sensitive don't even try the tap water. GO for bottled one :D !

That's always the problem with onion cutting FRANCESCA so I guess this method helps !

Yay ANALYSE if that means damages better to have water softener nga.

Hi DODONG FLORES thanks for your visit. Glad to share to my readers little things about me.
Babette said…
Hi Haze, I finally made it back! :o) I put the onion in the freezer for 10 minutes then cut it and it works for me. I don't know why. LOL
btw, my close friend hails from the same province in Quezon. She's a nun now and is based in Samar where she's the principal of a high school. Her name is Flordeliza Reyes (Sr. Liza), does it ring a bell?
Anonymous said…
hey haze, kamusta? its been a while no? hehehe. i miss chippy and boy bawang too! ;-)