Opting for staggered payment without interest when purchasing big items in France is one of the best way to save money. Many would set out for it since there is 0% interest in most of the items which is financially undemanding. Few would pay cash as they can afford it. However there are big items that we purchase like cars, house and lot, vacation house and the likes we would compare the most excellent offer on credit systems.
We bought our apartment through bank credit with very low interest. And it was 3 ½ years ago when we bought our car payable within 4 years and we have plump for consumer credit. We inquired from Aramis in Aix en Provence as my husband was referred by a friend to check with them (car distributor) of their affordable and interesting tariffs. We got the car and were financed by Cofica-c.u. (a filial of Cetelem French Company that specializes in consumer credit with reasonable interest).
Husband was double checking our accounts, budgeting, stock markets etc. when he found out that we were charged for an additional .48 cents. You heard me right .48 cents, a very small amount and we know it perfectly. The increase is nothing but is there something wrong if we ask why? I think it’s our utmost right to know the reason. Husband called Cofica-c.u to know why we have an increase just for the records. Okay, Honey was answered by a lady which is apparently unhappy of his inquiry. And before he was able to contact the right company Aramis gave him a number to contact but unsuccessful. He was able to contact other numbers but he was passed over to another company from another to another. He started getting really pissed off, I feel like its pretty freaking unfair that they gave incorrect numbers so Honey ended up checking the internet and finally got the right contact. In totality he dialed 5 numbers before he could get to talked to the right person including the waiting time. This is how the conversation went :
Husband: Bonjour Madame we bought a car Peugeot Partner with Aramis and you were financing it. I found out that there is an increase of .48 cents according to our monthly payment. I just want to know why just for the records.
Cetelem Lady: (in a sarcastic tone) Oh it’s funny it’s the first time I encounter a client who asks why there is such a SMALL INCREASE (stressing on the word SMALL increase).
Husband: (calm) It’s not about the amount, I just want to know what is the reason. I know it’s a small increase but if you don’t explain to me why then I wouldn’t understand. (He felt that the lady started to get irritated by raising her voice as if she doesn’t need to give an explanation) Okay calm down, in any case I think it’s my right as a client.
The lady explained it’s because of échéances (expiration). And since from the start they have made wrong calculations regarding billing system. I was thinking how could they make such an error and just asking us to pay without any notice. So we have the right to demand an explanation to clarify things. I wouldn’t get into details as this would complicate things.
After hearing the lady's explanation my husband understood well and he was okay with that. It was not a problem at all once it is clearly explained. What we are trying to emphasize here is that they must adhere to the policies and principles because we are. We are good payers who never miss to pay the amount including the interest rate. If you look at it they will charge us for an additional .48 cents monthly without any supporting reason. If you will give them a chance to do this without informing clients then it will be a jackpot treasure! Probably some clients would not pay attention of this little amount but they do accumulate big value beyond the credit. You will feel the increase if the numbers are big….then it is something. These types of policies do accumulate from small amount to big cash value. And because without prior notice this is clearly has a little scruple vis-à-vis to their clients about the matter. How to ask them without getting misunderstood? Or what is this, some kind of rip-off? Or mere misunderstanding? We have made a simple calculations.
50,000 (clients)
X . 48 (cents monthly increase)
24,000 € (monthly gains)
24,000 €
X 5 (years of payment)
120,000 € (total gains)
When you see these numbers I guess we have the right to ask why. We have opted for to pay the car through “prélèvement automatique” (automatic deduction) from our bank account because of its practicality and so as to avoid future hassle and everything is documented. I could now confirm to Makis that France in (some way) has nothing to do with courtesy and this experience is running down in the same category. Now, tell me if they get .48 cents from every clients, I would say that small cents is definitely a simple way to being rich! So be attentive on your bank debit and ask for explanation there's no harm by asking queries anyway.
We bought our apartment through bank credit with very low interest. And it was 3 ½ years ago when we bought our car payable within 4 years and we have plump for consumer credit. We inquired from Aramis in Aix en Provence as my husband was referred by a friend to check with them (car distributor) of their affordable and interesting tariffs. We got the car and were financed by Cofica-c.u. (a filial of Cetelem French Company that specializes in consumer credit with reasonable interest).
Husband was double checking our accounts, budgeting, stock markets etc. when he found out that we were charged for an additional .48 cents. You heard me right .48 cents, a very small amount and we know it perfectly. The increase is nothing but is there something wrong if we ask why? I think it’s our utmost right to know the reason. Husband called Cofica-c.u to know why we have an increase just for the records. Okay, Honey was answered by a lady which is apparently unhappy of his inquiry. And before he was able to contact the right company Aramis gave him a number to contact but unsuccessful. He was able to contact other numbers but he was passed over to another company from another to another. He started getting really pissed off, I feel like its pretty freaking unfair that they gave incorrect numbers so Honey ended up checking the internet and finally got the right contact. In totality he dialed 5 numbers before he could get to talked to the right person including the waiting time. This is how the conversation went :
Husband: Bonjour Madame we bought a car Peugeot Partner with Aramis and you were financing it. I found out that there is an increase of .48 cents according to our monthly payment. I just want to know why just for the records.
Cetelem Lady: (in a sarcastic tone) Oh it’s funny it’s the first time I encounter a client who asks why there is such a SMALL INCREASE (stressing on the word SMALL increase).
Husband: (calm) It’s not about the amount, I just want to know what is the reason. I know it’s a small increase but if you don’t explain to me why then I wouldn’t understand. (He felt that the lady started to get irritated by raising her voice as if she doesn’t need to give an explanation) Okay calm down, in any case I think it’s my right as a client.
The lady explained it’s because of échéances (expiration). And since from the start they have made wrong calculations regarding billing system. I was thinking how could they make such an error and just asking us to pay without any notice. So we have the right to demand an explanation to clarify things. I wouldn’t get into details as this would complicate things.
After hearing the lady's explanation my husband understood well and he was okay with that. It was not a problem at all once it is clearly explained. What we are trying to emphasize here is that they must adhere to the policies and principles because we are. We are good payers who never miss to pay the amount including the interest rate. If you look at it they will charge us for an additional .48 cents monthly without any supporting reason. If you will give them a chance to do this without informing clients then it will be a jackpot treasure! Probably some clients would not pay attention of this little amount but they do accumulate big value beyond the credit. You will feel the increase if the numbers are big….then it is something. These types of policies do accumulate from small amount to big cash value. And because without prior notice this is clearly has a little scruple vis-à-vis to their clients about the matter. How to ask them without getting misunderstood? Or what is this, some kind of rip-off? Or mere misunderstanding? We have made a simple calculations.
50,000 (clients)
X . 48 (cents monthly increase)
24,000 € (monthly gains)
24,000 €
X 5 (years of payment)
120,000 € (total gains)
When you see these numbers I guess we have the right to ask why. We have opted for to pay the car through “prélèvement automatique” (automatic deduction) from our bank account because of its practicality and so as to avoid future hassle and everything is documented. I could now confirm to Makis that France in (some way) has nothing to do with courtesy and this experience is running down in the same category. Now, tell me if they get .48 cents from every clients, I would say that small cents is definitely a simple way to being rich! So be attentive on your bank debit and ask for explanation there's no harm by asking queries anyway.
And I dont like that. Isoli nyo yan sa akin. Wala akong pinirmahang ganyan!
Do you think it is correct?
inyo na kotse nyo, yadah yadah....
Basta ibalik nyo 48cents ko..!!!!
And if nag eexplain si La Miss, si lolo, iniiwanan ang phone sa top ng table, he went to the kitchen to have his coffee, lol
haze, oks sila ha...
anyway, I agree, as a customer, it's your right to know why they charge such amount; how dare that woman tell you otherwise!
RAQUEL it would be good if they sent us a letter explaining of the increase then there will be no problem!
MAKIS exactly these companies are taking advantage to take small increase clients won't pay attention but in the end when you sum it up, the small becomes really big !
FRANCESCA oh I think it's better to discuss in a diplomatic way. We don't really need to be aggressive because it won't help.
MITSURU naku kaya ingat ka baka mamaya eh yung account mo wala ng laman :( !
RAQGOLD naku sinabi mo pa, kaya nga we always check our monthly billings to find out what are clear and not. Ako naman magaling din sa budget hihihi mana sa nanay!
PINING greedy people don't succeed! The woman was really aggressive but I was glad that my husband kept his calm, it think men are all the same ! Tayo lang ang MINSAN medyo madaldal hahahaha!