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Just got back from a 7 hours travel from the Region of Bourgogne and stayed two days there for the wedding celebration of our friends. It was a great wedding and will tell you more about it. For the meantime we are re-charging the car to put our stuffs and by the time you read this we will be boarding on the ship heading to Corsica. And yes we didn't have much sleep for 2 days but then tonight finally we will surely sleep well since it is a night travel. See you soon and happy vacation to everyone.
kisses and have fun
Thanks PINING and CARYN, you too!
Next time think about Marseille and Corsica YEN you won't regret it ;)!
Just tell me when you're ready MAKIS it would be great if we can spend vacation altogether in Corsica :D !
Why don't you visit Corsica someday and see it with your own eyes LEAH? Then tell me how beautiful the place really is :D !
Will tell you soon HILDA may kasama pang pictures, bises!