Soutenons nous !

C'est le printemps, et on peut dire aussi que c'est la saison des grèves à Marseille (ou devrais-je dire dans la plupart des pays Européens). De toute évidence pour s’opposer avec fermeté contre l'augmentation du prix du pétrole. Malheuresement, les cours du pétrole flambent inexorablement. Les pêcheurs Espagnols, Portugais et Italiens se sont mobilisés à aquérir la relève des protestations de leurs collègues Français, appelant à une "grève illimitée" Vendredi tandis que Bruxelles a jeté un message d'ouverture. Tout le monde manifeste pour la solidarité internationale et refuser la misère! Aujourd'hui ce sont les pecheurs qui sont en gréve, demain les chauffeurs de taxis,les agriculteurs et puis Le Port Autonome de Marseille!

  • Ca fait 3 semaines les pêcheurs français sont en grève
  • Les pêcheurs Portugais, ont commencé il y a cinq jours et décident de poursuivre la manifestation au moins jusqu'à mercredi.
  • La grève a affecté le Royaume-Uni, où les pêcheurs Britanniques étaient beaucoup très probablement à manifester mardi matin à Londres pour réclamer une assitance d'urgence d'etat, soutenus par une dizaine de pêcheurs Français
  • Dans d’autres pays Asiatiques comme les Philippines souffrent car le prix du riz ne cesse pas d'augmenter. Néanmoins le pétrole n'est pas exclu!

    J’espère que nous serons nombreux a lutter contre la vie chère!
**** For those who have commented, sorry was lazy to make the translation. Now here's the translated one, thank you :D!****

It's spring, and we can also say that it is the season of strikes in Marseilles (or should I say in most European countries). Obviously to firmly oppose against the oil price hike. Unfortunately, oil prices soared inexorably. Fishermen Spaniards, Portuguese and Italians were mobilized to acquire protests made by their French colleagues, calling for an "indefinite strike" Friday while Brussels has laid a message of openness. Everyone manifesting for international solidarity and to refuse misery! Today it would be the fishermen who will be on strike tomorrow would be taxi drivers, farmers and then The Port Authority of Marseilles!

  • It's been 3 weeks French fishermen are on strike
  • The Portuguese fishermen, began five days ago and decided to continue the demonstration until at least Wednesday.
  • The strike has affected the United Kingdom, where British fishermen were very much likely to show Tuesday morning in London to demand an government emergency assistance , supported by a dozen French fishermen
  • In other Asian countries like the Philippines are suffering because the price of rice does not cease to increase. But oil is not excluded!

I hope that many of us will fight against an expensive life!


Chibog in Chief said…
oh lala, tu es vraiment devenu une française...ou plutôt parce que tu habites à Marseille.. hehehe, oui je suis d'accord avec toi!!
Anonymous said…
Hi Haze, I will be leaving for vacation on Saturday and won't be back until July 10. I'll visit when I get back. Wish us good weather and loads of fun! :) I'll wave when I'm in Strasbourg. *wink*
raqgold said…
weee, ich verstehe nicht ;D
Anonymous said…
I've been trying unsuccessfully to translate this page, I'm guessing you're ranting about the rising prices of commodities... am I right? Oh well, we're on the same boat...
haze said…
DHANGGIT : Pas du tout ma chère! J'étais toujours contre l'augmentation du prix (n'importe):D! Il ne faut pas ignorer sinon nous pouvons vivre comme une victime de commercialisation! Il fallait toujours se battre!

BABETTE : Wow happy vacation and enjoy your visit in Europe! I'll be missing your recipes ;D: Just wave!

RAQGOLD: LOL I did understand what you've said, then I checked google translate to confirm what you've said :D, I was right! Paano ba naman naririnig ko sa Pinay friend ko na married to German! Eto na po translation ;)!

PINING wow, I think you should continue reading my blog, you understood a bit of the message! Bravo!
Anonymous said…
Maybe I wouldn't mind the rising prices IF wages are proportionately increased too:) But as we all know, this usually doesn't happen (especially in the Philippines).

Ay buhay...
Anonymous said…
hahaha! haze, this whole thing makes one want to go back to the boondocks and plant their own food! but i agree, we should all go back to living simply ;-)
Wil said…
Gas here in the states is over $4/gallon. could top $5 soon. I guess some solutions are to drive a car that gets good mileage, take public transportation or even start biking.
Analyse said…
too high prices, yes. and govt wouldn't let go of taxes. hay buhay. and ive heard they dont even know where to put the money theyve got from petrole prices, my gulay! i paid 75€ the last time i went to the station, diesel yun ha! essence ou diesel, plus beaucoup de difference!

in the phils, i think minimum fare is now P8.50, and what about min wage? everybody's surviving!
raqgold said…
pinas is richer than europe. kasi dito daming nagsasarang tindahan dun sa pinas parating puno ang mga mega malls!!!
haze said…
JOANNE exactly! But salary stays the same, so better to fight against it. Sinabi mo hay buhay..sigh !

CARYN: we should take this seriously if not we cannot profit life anymore especially where you live, Japan is an expensive country you I guess you fell the pinch! When you say Boondocks are you talking about the comic strips written and originally drawn by Aaron McGruder? Well, I don't get the twist...or bundok ? Living in bundok is not the solution but it's how people know how to express their rights.

WIL: I agree with you! My husband has a mileage and company reimburses him, buti na lang. Though biking will be of great solution like in Belgium and Netherlands!

ANALYSE: the price of diesel and gas don't make any difference anymore, halos magka presyo na rin sya! Grabe 8.50 na !

RAQGOLD : Nakakapataka nga ano, sa atin puno ang malls. A lot of French companies closed and they put up business somewhere in Asia!
Toe said…
Well, it's nice to know that it is not only in the Philippines where there are strikes. ;)
haze said…
Exactly I think we have what we call world crisis TOE! However, for the Philippines it's harder unfortunately salary stays the same and with very limited government aid!