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"Fish Mucus and Foot Fungus"
I am sure you are probably thinking what is this title all about. After talking about talented Filipinos on my previous post I will talk about the intelligent students from the Philippines. After the Blond and Blue Eyes of Patricia Evangelista, an 18-year-old communications sophomore at UP Diliman who bested the 2004 Best Speaker award in the International Public Speaking competition conducted yearly by the English-Speaking Union (ESU) in London. Now here is another Philippine's pride under the name of Gian Carlo Dapul a 16 year old an incoming senior student at the Philippine Science School who recently won as the Best Speaker last May 9 held in the United Kingdom in this prestigious yearly competition of ESU. Gian Karlo Dapul vanquished other participants, as well as college rank students, from 30 countries of almost 60 contestants at the ESU’s head office in London. His five-minute dialogue entitled, “Fish mucus and Foot Fungus” centred on how scientific study could provide a cure-all for many of the world’s problems. He won honour not just because of how he delivered his speech but because of his confident approach in answering to queries from the board of judges. The finals were held at the US Embassy in London. He was the last speaker amongst finalists from Thailand, Poland, Bulgaria, Argentina, Lebanon and China. In November, Gian will receive a certificate at the ESU Awards Ceremony at Buckingham Palace by His Royal Highness, Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh. Most likely, the Queen herself will be there as well, since the English Speaking Union marks its 90th anniversary this year.
CONGRATULATIONS GIAN CARLO DAPUL ! You made every Filipinos proud. I am sure that there are a lot of Patricias and Gians out there who will continue to make us proud ! A proof that even if the Philippines is considered a third world country we can also make it to the top.
More on his video interview from GMA News.
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i saw this news din and i felt prouder as a pinoy. galing talaga ano?
RAQGOLD I am sure he's a great guy, ala eh Quezonian yata yan. I think we have really talented and intelligent people we just sometimes lack of government support :( !
DHANGGIT oo nga pero tingnan mo naman it was his winning piece. As the saying goes "do not judge the book by its cover" :D !
Actually what he said is very true, not only for researchers but for Filipino professionals working in first world countries. There is always elitism in the corporate world, especially in the western world. Being Asian and a woman here in NL in the IT industry is a tough job. My competitors are all Europeans/Dutch with Masters Degree from very prestigious universities in Europe, and they are all men as women here in NL are not ambitious outside their kitchens and homes. I’m taken seriously, no doubt about that but sometimes I feel that I always have to run 2x faster, dive deeper into the political battle game, think quicker, assert more, and be one of the guys for my male audience to treat me as equal. I always have to present a stronger image because I am firstly, Asian (Europe has its own fair share of Asian women stereotypes: mail order brides, prostitutes, dold diggers, marrying for convenience, escaping poverty, etc), and secondly, I am a woman amidst a sea of male European professionals.
It’s a bit sexist and racist, I admit, but its a sad reality in the corporate world. However, I also would not like the European corporate world to become like America where everyone is politically correct and paranoid. I like freedom and being spontaneous without the HR following you around or a lawyer hounding on your doorstep with a court case.
Sad. I am amazed how many intellectuals even in the Philippines never understood this great of a problem. It seems that they hear about the issue but just let it pass through the other ear.
PINING yes and I am sure he will go a long way!
It is not easy doing research here in the Philippines. But there will always be people who will fight and work so Filipino scientists like him will never have to go abroad to fulfill their dreams of being a scientist.
It won't be too long before many of the Filipino scientists who studied abroad will find their way back to Philippines.
I hope to see it with my own eyes.