Chère Mimi

Notre petite fille adoré et pleine de vie
Tu fetês ton annivesaire aujhourd'hui
Avec toute la famille nous sommes réuni
Tout le monde si content et épanoui

Au moment de ton arrivée, la foule était illuminée
Petit globule de Papa, tu nous a égaillé
Même si parfois tetû et pénible
Tu reste une fille aimer pleine de joie et d'envies

Une forte personnalité qui vit une toute liberté
Mais ma princesse tu es encore petite
Nous serons là pour t'ecouter, te proteger et te comprendre
Nous sommes là pour t'attendre, ne craint rien
Car la vie est belle tu es une raison de nos existances
De t'avoir a nos côtés est une belle chance
Souviens toi la vie est belle ! Joyeux Anniversaire Mimi !

On t'aime très fort,

Maman, Papa et Kuya Basti


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Mayumi!

Haze, I think she's looking more and more like a dalagita instead of a baby.
Toe said…
From the little French I understand, I know that it's Mayumi's birthday today. Happy Birthday to your sweet beautiful little girl! How old is she Haze? :)
Anonymous said…
happy bday mimi!! uy, smiling face na.
Anonymous said…
can't read French but I understand "Joyeux Anniversaire"... so Happy birthday to Mayumi :-)
did you make the poem yourself?
it sounds beautiful :-)
raqgold said…
have a great day! i envy you, you could write a poem in french :)
haze said…
JOANNE thanks! Right and I am quite worried already !

TOE thank you, she turned 3 years old! Sorry I didn't have the translation :( ! If I translate the sense of the poem will change a bit :D! Google it !

ANALYSE salamat po! O di ba laban ka dyan !!!

PINING thank you! Maybe you can check google for translation ! Eve they don't exactly translate it from word to word the sense will be there :D ! Yes I did the poem, I tried ;) !

RAGGOLD thanks, I am pretty sure that you can do it too in German :D! I like writing poems so that's why I am able to construct in French! But it takes time, patience and dictionary with me the whole time ;)!