Mayumi : Maman, regarde! (a bit crying and afraid)
(Mama look!)
Me : Quest ce qu'il y a Mimi ?
(What do you have Mimi ?)
Mayumi : J'ai peur ! (she was pointing out on the floor).
(I'm afraid! )
I didn 't get it right away but when she insisted that she's afraid I understood.
Me : Ah d'accord n'aie pas peur. C'est ton ombre bébé ! It's your shadow (talking to her in english)
Ah ok don't be afraid. It's your shadow baby !
Mayumi : Non, j'ai peur! Il me laisse pas tranquil...(still trying to run behind my back to escape out from her shadow)
(I'm afraid ! He won't leave me alone...)
I tried to solace her but she kept on changing position many times and still seeing her shadow following her. I controlled myself to giggle because I didn't want her to cry.
Sébastien : Mais Mimi c'est ton ombre, il faut pas avoir peur !
(But Mimi it's your shadow, you don't need to be afraid !)
She went away running in her room and kept saying NON and when she was in the room I heard nothing. I then finished bathing Sébastien we went to their room to put on his jammies. In the bathroom we have two kinds of lighting, one on the ceiling and one which is attached to the medicine cabinet with mirror. When I went to the room I talked to Mayumi and tried to explain and comfort her that it's her shadow and no one else. It's true that there different effects on the light where we can see more of our shadow...in their room it's not the case the shadow it's on the body level. Then I started to tell her that she doesn't have the reason to be afraid of her shadow.
Me : Regarde Mimi c'est ton ombre.
(Look Mimi it's your shadow)
Mimi : Où ? Il n'est pas là (since the light is on the ceiling the shadow is not that visible)
(Where ? He is not here)
Me : Il est juste là derrière toi mais tu ne le vois pas.
(He is just behind you but you cannot see him.)
Mayumi : (insisting) Mais no Maman il n'est pas là !
(But no Mama, he is not here !)
Me : A ton avis il est où ?
(In your opinion where is he?)
Mimi : Beh, il est dans la salle de bain ?
(Beh, he is in the bathroom!)

bonne semaine Haze :)
louna discovered her shadow last summer, during one of our hikes, and i tell you, she was running after it, nasa harapan nya kasi haha..
She changes everyday KALA.
Brave Maria RAQUEL si Mimi as in takot !
I agree kids sometimes surprises me! They're kids and yet smart ANGELO. Will on that i'm sure this is funny :D! Bonne semaine également!
HAHAHA I told you LYNNET they could be partners of Haka Dance ! Now they could play hide and sick with their shadow ! I understand keyboards gives me headaches too !
Oh she like to take a shower but in one condition will turn on the other light so the shadow will go away! Sige sabihin mo ANAkay Louna sinong taya sa kanila sya o si shadow ?
Is it a cooking shadow HILDA ? LOL... OH don't worry time flies and you will never know makulit na rin si Mayumi mo :D! How's you father ?
Hope you had a good Christmas and a good start to the new year!
Lovely pic of your kids there on the side!
Happy New Year!
Try to ask her one day AGRING and I just hope she will not be afraid instead she will play with it.
Oh that is nice RAGGOLD a dancing partner...very original ! I hope Mimi will learn to dance away with her shadow too!
Hey this is a bright idea LEAH thanks! I hope that she will enjoy it. But the only thing I can do is a snake and a bird (the easiest)! Medyo mahirap ata yung rabbit and puppies :D! Happy 2008!
Maybe, you can show her basti and your shadow and have fun!
Happy NEw Year Haze!
Toys will be a graet idea VERNS! Well, I hope she will like it, sa susunod na kabanata. Happy New DEAR to you :D !
I love this anecdote too TOE and thanks to blogging I get to journalised events in my life like this.