Voila un bon exemple, je suis allée au centre ville et puis je me suis garé sur la route (rue à sens unique) avec des voitures qui sont stationner sur les deux côtés.Je conduis une voiture Peugeot Partner, donc vous imaginez que pour une nouvelle conductrice ce n'est pas facile de manouvrer cette type de voiture...c'est presque un camion de livraison ! J'étais prudemment en train de finir mon créneau (pas assez de place et juste) Il y avais un arrogant, impatient chauffer de taxi deriérre moi. Je me suis garé très vite quand je pouvais mais le Monsieur chauffeur n'était pas vraiment content car pour lui je ne me suis pas garer assez vite. Evidemment, je ne suis pas une experte. Le villain chauffeur me disait avec un accent Marseillais " Il faut que vous l'apprenez car vous n'arrivez pas " mais quel abruti ! Je n'ai pas l'attention de me justifier sur ma conduite. J'avais du mal à avaler son sarcasm. Je suis peut-être inexpérience mais pas une idiote ! En general, les gens sont souvent aggresifs au voulant, ils sont impatients et ils ne comprennent rien! C'est pour cette raison le fameux "A" (Apprentisage) est obligatoirement collées derriére ma voiture pour avertir les gens. J'ai encore 2 ans et 3 mois avant de la retirer ! J'esperai les gens comprennent finalement j'au eu tort. Après quelques mois d'expérience, il m'a fallu mieux comprendre qu'il y a des gens qui ont souffert de harcèlement moral y compris moi avec mon signe "A" collées derrière ma voiture. Ce n'est pas du tout toujours évident mais je tiens le coup. Malheuresement, les gens oublient vite qui sont aussi passés par là ! Une signe de l'amnésie je suppose. Bref, les choses que j'aurai besoin de faire c'est d'être patiente, avoir d'une présence d'esprit , à faire preuve de prudence et de respecter les règles.
Ad Translation :
Vous roulez juste un peu trop vite : You are just driving a little too fast.
Vous lisez juste un petit message : Your are just reading a litte text message.
Vous tournez juste sans clignotant : You are just turning without signaling.
Vous l'avez just un peu tué : You just killed him a little bit
Sur la route il n'y a pas des petites infractions : On the road there are no little infractions
Respectons les règles : Let us respect the rules.
Good luck !
No worries..practice lang katapat nyan. I understand about the other drivers. Kala mo kung sino na noh eh doon din sila galing. Well you really can't do anything about it. Anyway patience is a virtue :)
I just practice everyday and I know that I will soon be a better driver VERNS. The only thing I would not like to become is forgetting "THAT ONCE I HAVE BEEN THERE SITUATION". Will always be supportive to beginners.
Je comprends parfaitement ce que tu ressens...de toute façon ce monde est rempli des abroutis :-), sois-zen!!! musta ka na...bisses
the video's message is very good. there's too many distractions like cellphones, radio, etc. that could easily lead to car accidents. i'm not sure if bad drivers would be influenced by the video though.
but hey, im such a bad driver too.. a month ago, i beat a red light unconsciously. well, i was probably thinking about something else, and when a traffic light turned green, i went ahead. unfortunately, it wasn't for me.. and unfortunately again, there were some police officers in a corner. so they stopped in parallel with my car, informed me that what i just did was dangerous, that it was 4 points and 260€ and they will send everything at home. all that without asking any paper from me and without asking me to get out of my car... naku haze, if you only knew, i was trembling and couldn't work.. and when i told that to frenchguy, he was laughing and told me 'how could they send the bill to you, they didnt even ask for your papers. ok they could have the plate number, but how would they know that the driver was the owner?'.. tawa sya dyan. kahit na no, it was the first time i had a PV and im not used to it.. ça y est, bad girl na din daw ako like the frenchies!
Yes agree, "Driving requires a lot of concentration" because accidents can happen in just seconds.
Take care and hugs & kisses to the kids.
I know that putting an "A" sticker is a bit strange, well it is in fact to inform the people that we are apprentice. Imagine WIL, new drivers have 6 points while old drivers have 12 points so I really
need to be very cautious to keep my points! The message is for everyone , at least uncompliant and indiscipline drivers are well informed by this new ad ;)!
OMG ANALYSE c'était chaud bouillant !!! Beating the redlight intentionally should be punished but yours was unconsciously you are forgiven :D! I guess, police officers knew you didn't really mean to do that the sanction would me immediate. You were lucky and that it didn't caused an accidents! Drive safely, hehehe ganyan ata pag experienced driver na, anyhow that would always serve as a lesson!
I agree RAQUEL beginners in every aspects are always inexperienced but we always have a room for progress through time ! Hugs and kisses to your children too :) and happy Sunday !
some people are just too impatient, my hubs sometimes di rin makakahintay lagi ko syang sinasabihan na "it's okay just wait a little", then "o tingnan mo old man/woman ang nagdrive wawa naman".
Bonne courage Haze, buti ka pa may "A" na. Ako wala pa, i stopped my driving for a while, i'm not yet really motivated yata...and i don't want to force myself either.
Sometimes being impatient could also cause accidents. Naku LUCILLE, you should continue finish what you have started, sayng din naman kasi. Good luck if you decided to pursue your driving lesson ;) !
Now here's a new short post while waiting for the installation of kitchen furnitures :D ! O ano na HILDA when do we meet ?
Welcome ROSALIE and thank you for taking time to read my blog. To tell you the truth I don't speak fluently (need more time) but I somehow manage that's why I write in French from time to time. If you really want to learn you could take lessons or do a self study first!