So Pining is curious to find out what's on my desktop! Like all mothers....kids are the center of my computer screen. This photo was taken when we were in Corsica. So simple eh ! My son Sébastien who is turning 5 years old next January and my naughty daughter Mayumi who's 2 years and 6 months.
I don't know why but I like to be tagged. Now here is for Niceheart. Just to know me a little bit more.
• Where is your cellphone? On the bar
• Relationship? Two way
• Your hair? Wavy :) !
• Work? Still searching
• Your sister? My bestfriend !
• Your favorite thing(s) ? Computer, digicam & DVD collections
• Your dream last night? I don't remember....
• Your favorite drink? Mango juice
• Your dream car? It's not my thing as long as I have one !
• The room you’re in? Computer table
• Your shoes? comfy
• Your fears? losing a love one
• What do you want to be in 10 years? to have my Taekwondo black belt
• Who did you hang out with this weekend? Family out on hiking
• What are you not good at? Drawings and Math
• Muffin? chocolate
• One of your wish list items? To visit Italy !
• Where did you grow up? Manila & Quezon Province
• Last thing you did? Wash the dishes
• What are you wearing? short and t-shirt
• What aren’t you wearing? my slippers
• Your pet? Fishes
• Your computer? just perfect to communicate with
• Your life? simple and busy
• Your mood? Zen
• Missing? My family back home
• What are you thinking about right now? if I would be able to work one day
• Your car? Peugeot Partner (French mark)
• Your kitchen? Expected renovation this month
• Your summer? Exciting
• Your favorite color? Blue
• Last time you laughed? now because of my daughter
• Last time you cried? September when I was watching Dubai Film
• School? FEU
• Love? is the greatest gift of all
Thanks for tagging me guys I find it exciting!
I sometimes have my kids pictures on my desktop too. :)
Thanks for doing the tag. :)
My father hailed from Quezon Province, in Atimonan.
It was my husband preference VERNS naming her after a Filipino term :)! We also would like to name our son, kaso walang maganda eh.
Most of the children are adorable SIDNEY except when they make silly things ! Thanks and I am sure your kids are too :), métis quoi!
Mayumi is gorgeous, she looks very French :-)
I went to FEU for 2 years din...
thanks for doing the tag Haze
Merci beaucoup!
Really PINING maybe we have the same age too ?! Yes Mayumi resembles more of his father. Siguro we have crossed each other paths during FEU times! I am happy to do the tag, it keeps me ZEN...Wow you speak french too ?
It's a common theme BINGSKEE for us all mothers (almost). Thanks for passing :) !
You tickled me with your answer in "What do you want to be in 10 years?". Way to go Haze, I am looking forward for you to blog about it, he-he. ;)
Thanks you THINZ, I appreciate your visit!
Sure HILDA, I've already introduced your blog to my friends! I'll tell them to join if they have recipes to share ;)! t'es pas contente avec la celebrations ? :(
Hey welcome back second time MOMMY RAQUEL! So how's the baby? OO Same age si Maria at si Mayumi, sya naman April 25,2005 :) !
Oo nga that's what I wanted to accomplish in the future. That's my passion, I still have 2 steps before I get the black belt (I am a red belter). So I need to have the brown and then black !
Dubai film? est-ce que c'est le film avec Aga Muhlach et Claudine Barreto? Comment dit-on "hehe" en francais? :D
These are common result of children who are mixed couple! Mestizo/mestiza as we used to call them ;) !
Yes it's the film of Aga & Claudine. Way to go WIL tu as bien exprimé en français ;)! Donc, c'est a dire tu parle Français?