Now, back to my normal post.....all comments on my previous post are greatly appreciated, thank you!
After all the reparations, cleaning and maintenance the house is ready to receive friends to our humble place. I am talking of French-Filipina and French-German couples, yes we are going International in the village. A Filipina who arrived in France barely two years ago and who's also adapting to the French way of life. Her outlook on adjusting to her new environment had impressed me. I would say, she easily surpasses all the sentiments and differences between the two countries . Nonetheless, every foreigners need to undergo changes but it's depends on how we will be able to overcome them.
To start with, we welcomed our Franco-Filipino couple friends who supposed to arrive earlier but since there was a technical problem during the trip they arrived later at night than expected. Arriving at the Port of Bastia it was annoying that car rental shop was close because they needed to pick up the rented car to sojourn on the Corsica for three weeks. Fortunately, there was this nice guy who worked late at the shop let them took the car so the plan of staying at the hotel was completely disregard. Finally, they arrived at the village, had a simple dinner while narrating the exhausting yet exciting trip they had. Lights off and everyone went to bed.
Next morning, beheld the sight of the sunrise from a distance burned their hearts ceaselessly. Captured by the mountainous and greenest sights just in front of the house that
cannot be seen in huge noisy cities . The majestic beauty of an island is just something extraordinary. Even whispers could be heard brought by the quieteness of the environment which is so relaxing ! We did the tour by car to the neighboring villages which are just accessible. Of course taking pictures of the sceneries was also a major part of the promenade while Honey was narrating a little bit about the place. Appreciating the Shepherd's animals that were completely out in liberty munching herbs and enjoying their freedom . It was almost one in the afternoon that our stomach growled for hunger. While strolling, good enough we saw a typical Corsican restaurant situated in the village of Sermano. To begin with we have ordered fresh drinks for appetizer. The two frenchies asked for a typical Corsican beer, I have ordered a bottle of fresh Perrier and Coca cola for the kids. To simplify things, we have ordered the menu of the day ! We devoured our first plate, a homemaid Corsican Salad with their famous Brocciu Cheese accompanied by leek fritters (beignets de poireaux) main menu was a giant breaded pork and filled with frenchfries on the side. Finally, the owner came out with one of the specialties of Corsica a delicious dessert called Gâteau à la chataigne (cake made of chestnut flour). It was really delicious co'z almost everything were homemaid products. While all these were served Claude was taking a video of the owner asking to explain how Brocciu cheese and chestnut cake are being prepared and me asking for the recipe of leek fritters ! An additional knowledge as unexperienced cook. We spent the whole day promenading and took advantage of the great weather we had in Corsica.
After all the reparations, cleaning and maintenance the house is ready to receive friends to our humble place. I am talking of French-Filipina and French-German couples, yes we are going International in the village. A Filipina who arrived in France barely two years ago and who's also adapting to the French way of life. Her outlook on adjusting to her new environment had impressed me. I would say, she easily surpasses all the sentiments and differences between the two countries . Nonetheless, every foreigners need to undergo changes but it's depends on how we will be able to overcome them.

Next morning, beheld the sight of the sunrise from a distance burned their hearts ceaselessly. Captured by the mountainous and greenest sights just in front of the house that

The next day we went picnicking at Tavignanu River just a minute away from the village. Traversing more than 58 km, Tavignanu is the second largest river of Corsica. The river continues going to Lake Nino, passing by the valley of Restonica, and very close to Aleria on the Eastern coast. The average water temperature in September is not above 25°celsius because the water comes fresh from the mountain, we went on the month of July so water was around 19° to 20° celsius. Before we found a great place for our picnic we needed to walk a little bit, the place started to be crowded. Finally, we found a place where we can scout just near a crystal clear water of a deep basin (pond). Sorry I didn't have the camera with me and I didn't have a picture of the basin. Children had fun, so you see my daughter she smiles very rare on the photos, so when I say fun, she really did enjoy ! We Pinays were not able to take even a little swim but just dipping our feet were enough as it was really cold ! We are still used to have warm water as 30° to 35° celsius. I just couldn't !

If you you need to know more about the place you could visit this site Corsica Attractions ! We will never know, you could include Corsica on your travel lists.
This is too long, I know :) ! Will continue the rest of my travel(telling) on Corsica vacation. For the moment, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Sunday !
Sounds like a perfect vacation.
And now, I am hungry...where's the food images? Those foods you have mentioned above are new to me. Very interesting.
Hmmm...brocciu cheese.. I think I had a taste of this, spread on TUC biscuit...delicious :-)
Cheers to an emerging travel writer!
Why not SIDNEY it will be my pleaseure to meet you in person ;) ! Vacation is just superb! Everything is there sea, mountains, rivers, wild animals, good weather, good food and a lot more to explore!
It's an island in France and it's near Italy. Houses are very old WIL let's say the family house we have there is more that 100 yrs old ! Why not visit Corsica someday, it's worth a try!
Hahaha, It's so obvious that you are preggy RAQUEL you're searching for food images ! Don't worry I'll be talking about it on my next post ! Yes, it's a very nice place, a paradise!
So have tasted brocciu in TUC biscuits , sarap di ba ;)! Oh, I am not really a good writer but I try to amuse you with my story!
When you have the time visit Corsica you will not regret it TOE! I can be your tour guide ;) for free hehehe !
Coucou ANGELO ! Tout va bien pour moi et toi ? Yes, been missing a lot of your post , you owe us all! Oh, thanks but I would really like to learn photography, i've always wanted to be an artist and I think need more more more lesson! For European the water temperature is nothing compared to us Filipinos, me I just couldn't swim, malamig talaga! During summer should be OK ! I am already glad of your visit and don't worry I know that studying medicine isn't easy, it requires a lot of your time and effort ! Soon we will have a blogging doctor ;) ! Goodluck and take care you too !
ps, thanks for dropping by in my the way i sent you an email..maybe you thought its a spam :-)..have a nice day
Hey ANALYSE long time no look (see) hahaha ! Hay naku, of course the family Medrana or family ??? are welcome no, tell me when you want ! I am glad Louna is better!