ma vie en défi

Il faut dire que ces derniers jours je suis un peu stressée ! Comme j'ai dit sur mon blog précedent. La raison ? Jeudi dernier je devrais repasser mon permis conduire mais malheureusement il a été annulé parce que l'inspectrice été tombé malade et aucune personne ne pourrait pas la remplacer. C'est dommage eh oui! Tant pis j'attends toujours les dates de l'examen et j'esperai je l'aurai un jour. Avant ceci, L'ECF (mon auto école) ou je suis m'ont appellé (une semaine avant de jour J) pour me dire qu'il y a une possibilité de repasser mon examen le Jeudi, 30 Novembre à 9 heure du matin. Donc, je sais c'était un peu precipité ( (en fait j'ai été programmé de repasser pour Février l'année prochaine alors ils ont pensé à moi) mais je voudrais tenter ma chance encore une fois. Je me suis beaucoup mis à cet examen. J'ai même pris deux jours (Lundi et Mardi) de une heure et démi de conduite pour m'encadré. Résultat, je suis présentable pour l'examen. En plus de ça, je suis allée Mercredi justement pour les cours de V.I.V.E. (Verification Interne et Verification Externe de la voiture). Jour J, je me suis levée tôt ce matin là, j'ai pris le petit déjeuner, j'ai était vraiment calme, pas de tout nervouse! Mon mari qui resté avec les enfants, qui m'a soutenu jusqu'a bout m'a souhaiter bonne chance! J'arrive à l'auto école une démi heure avant le départ avec d'autres éléves pour allée au lieu de l'examen. Un moniteur été avec nous et en arrivant, nous avons vu d'autres étudiants qui ont fini leur examen avec l'inspecteur qui s'est avéré justement être mon inspecteur la dernière fois où j'ai passé l'examen . Le moniteur qui était avec nous a reçu un appel nous informant que l'examen est annulé!

Hier, j'ai appelé l'auto école pour demander quand sera l'examen aura lieu. Le secrétaire m'a dit que qu'ils ne savent toujours pas quand sera le prochain examen être parce que ce matin l'examen a été annulé. Elle s'est excusée et m'a expliquee qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup d'inspecteur et ils peuvent également être malades. Je lui repondu "je comprends pafaitement Madame mais s' il vous plaît pouvez vous m'imformer quand je pourrais passer le permis". Fin de la conversation, quand je reflechis, ce n'est pas plus mal du tout parce que j'aurais plus de temps pour continuer la conduite accompagner et réparer quelques petites erreurs sur ma conduite. Particulièrement, je peux faire beaucoup des manouvres car c'est mon points faibles. Je continuerai à relever le défi pour avoir ce permis et quand je l'aurai je ne sais pas
Makis me classifierait avec mon signe de "A" derrière ma voiture! Peut être j'appartiendrais probablement aux conducteurs de dimanche ha ha ha !!!

L'histoire n'est pas encore fini, ce Vendredi j'aurai mon premier entretien d'embauche chez
Alinea. Il y a deux semaine j'ai du postuler ma candidature (mon Curriculum Vitae et lettre de motivation par internet) comme Assistant Sourcing (Import-Export). Je suis très contente de faire mon premier interview en Français. C'est vrai depuis mon arrivée en France ( 5 ans en arrière) je ne jamais travailler car ma priorité est construire une famille, apprendre la langue, d'être integrer. Maintenant et aujhourd'hui je suis prête à relever le défi n'importe ce qu'il est !

Simple Translation :

I should say that these last few days I was a bit stressed ! As I've said on my previous blog. The reason? Last Thursday I should have repass my licence but unfortunately it was cancelled because the inspector got sick and no person could replace her. What a pity eh yes! I am still waiting for the dates of the examination and hoping I will have it one day. Before this, the ECF (my driving school) where am at called me (one week before D-day) to tell me that there is a possibility of taking the exam on Thursday November 30 at 9 o'clock in the morning. Therefore, I know it was precipitated (in fact I was scheduled to repass it February next year so they thought of me) a little but I would like to try my chance once again. I put myself much at this examination. I even took two days (Monday and Tuesday) of one and a half hour of driving to test my skill. Result, I am presentable for the examination. In addition to that, I went last Wednesday precisely for the courses of V.I.V.E. (Internal Checking and External Checking of the car). D-day, I woke early that morning, had breakfast, I was really calm, not really nervous! My husband who stayed with the children, who supported me until the end wishes me good luck! I arrived at the driving school half an hour before the departure with others students in going to the place of examination. A monitor accompanied us, arriving to the place we saw other students who finished their examination with the person who was apparently my inspector the last time I took the exam. The monitor who was with us received a call informing us that the examination is cancelled!

Yesterday, I called the driving school asking when will be the examination will takes place. The secretary told me that that they still do not know when would be the next examination because this morning the examination was also cancelled. She excused and explain to me that there is not much inspector and they can also be sick. I answered her “I perfectly understand Ma'am but could you please inform me when I could pass the licence”. End of conversation, when I think about it, it is not bad at all because I would have more time to continue driving (accompanied) and repair some small errors on my driving. Particularly, I can make much manouvres (parking the car) because this is my weak points. I will continue to face the challenge to have this licence and when I will have it I don't know how Makis would classify me with my sign of “A” behind my car! I would probably belong to the Sunday Drivers ha ha ha!!!

The story is not finished yet, this Friday I will have my first interview with Alinea. Two weeks ago I submitted my candidature (my resumé with letter of motivation by internet) for an Assistant Sourcing (Import-export). I am very glad to make my first French interview. It is true since my arrival in France (5 years ago) I never work because my priority is to build a family, to learn the language, to be to integrated. Now and today I am ready to face the challenge no matter what it is !


Anonymous said…
Good luck on your driving exam and your French interview Haze. :) I'm sure you'll pass both. It would be great to have your license because you would be more independent and it would be great to have a job again. I guess this means that you have really integrated. Good for you and great job!
Anonymous said…
All the best Haze...I know you can make it ...
Makis said…
Good luck, in every sense of the word, to you Hazel! Your year-ender seems to be all go & it will carry on all the way to next year! Woohoo! So much to look forward to :)
Francesca said…
take the annulation day of the examen as positive, that if the inspecteur is sick and not in good mood,give you the exam, he might still refuse your permis even you made your exam perfect. Di ba? Ang mga français pa naman ang suplado nila..!

and your work, uy, if may sweldo ka na, blow out ha?! haha.
Or Pautang na lang.WINK!

All the best Haze! muah!
Francesca said…
one thing pa pala haze, sabi ni lolo, when a holiday is coming, even if you are perfectly alright with the exams, the inspecteur still deny you the permis because of coming holidays, they dont want new drivers in the road.

Thats a fact he learned from others.
So buti n lang di ka nakapag exam.
Makukuha mo rin yan, ikaw pa!
enjoy na lang muna the holidays.
Anonymous said…
Wow! Speaking perfect(?) French after only five years in France. And then driving and entering the work force again. You go girl! Goodluck on the driving exam and job interview. :)
Anonymous said…
wooahh!! goodluch sistah!
Anonymous said…
wow, that's a lot to digest for the year-end, a lot of changes coming! goodluck girl, i know you can make it!
Raquel said…
Hi Haze, akala ko walang translation kaya di ako nakapag comment for the past few days.

Kung kilan ka ready sila naman ang hindi. Good luck nalang sa driving exam mo at sa French interview. Five years ka na pala jan, matagal na rin.
Anonymous said…
Toe - Thank you so much Toe ! Right I would really need to have my licence to feel more completely independent and can go anywhere I want with the kids, that will be fun !

Leah - Thanks Leah ! Have a Merry Christmas to all.

Makis - Your support is really something very important, it makes me believe and feel confident about myself !!! Big big hug for you Makis !

Fran - Siguro nga that it happened for a purpose to have best result the next time!!! Tama ka forget about the worries and let's have some party :) !

Niceheart - Oh no, I don't speak perfect french, I am trying hard to learn and improve on this one! That's the reason sometimes why I write in french coz speaking and writing are completely different ! Thanks Toe !

Nao - Thank you very much and bon voyage to the whole family! Have a safe landind and enjoy the holidays !

Analyse - I admire you the most being a mom at the same time being a career woman. You are able to managed and juggle a full-time job and homemaking.
Give me some tips Ana if ever I will get the job ;) ! Bon voyage din sa yo !!! Do not forget my pasalubong hehehe , colipost mo na lang pag dating mo hahahahaha !

Raquel - Ok lang Raquel ! Thanks and I am really hoping to get that licence. Oo french interview di ba bahala na silang umintindi sa response ko, kahit may grammatical errors OK lang at least I tried hihihi !
Analyse said…
touch naman ako dun hehe... especially now that i feel like a bad mom.. ya know, year-end, we'll be on vacation, i have to close some projects, i have to meet some deadlines.. and louna's sick (broncho + otite).. and frenchguy's out.. les parents indignes!!! .. we had to leave louna at yaya's place two nights last week as i had to be in paris, laurent was in boston, then yaya had to organize with the kiné for her kiné respiratoire.. hay naku haze, bad mom na talaga ako..

if i should give you an advice, get a job which won't oblige you to travel, flexitime, no badging, you will appreciate it pag me sked ka sa pedia hehe... ako, i would like to be a yaya one day, i love kids, at the same time, i could be with my kid di ba..

o sya, padadalhan kita ng boy bawang pagbalik ko hehehehe...uso daw yun dun.
Anonymous said…
Zut alors Haze! quel dommage, mais, at least, il y'a plus des temps de pratiquer les manouvres :) Bon chance avec l'examen et avec l'interview!
Anonymous said…
hi sistah, be leaving on the 23rd but before that i wanted to greet you a merry christmas and a prosperous New Year!
Makis said…
Happy Holidays Hazel! Tawagan nalang tayo to greet each other personally ;-) May this season continue to bless you with good things!
Anonymous said…
L'annulation est stressante mais en même temps tu a plus de temps de pratiquer des manouvres. Tu auras beaucoup de confiance à soi-même, tu verras, j'en suis sûre. Bon courage et bonne continuation!

Je suis contente de savoir que tu commences à chercher du travail. Bon courage pour ton premier entretien! J'èspere que tu trouveras le post que tu aimes vraiment. C'est idéal d'avoir une vie très equilibrèe surtout ici. Très bonne chance à toi!

Je vous souhaite de très bonnes fêtes! Gros bisous!
Anonymous said…
goodluck haze! i know you can do it! =)

have a merry christmas to you and your family! enjoy the holiday season! =)
Anonymous said…
Analyse : That's true Ana, I really admire you a lot! Not a joke at walang halong kaplastikan! I mean you can do both 3 roles, a wife, a mother and an engineer ! Huhh hirap yan ha. Thanks for the tip ;) !

Angelo : Eh oui, tant pis! J'essayerai la prochaine fois. Merçi Angelo!

Makis : Thanks for the greetings Makis ! We'll call you on christmas day! Have a safe trip and stay warm!

nao : Merry Christmas, happy new year and happy trip Nao and to all the family! Have a safe landing.

Joy : Merçi pour m'encourager Joy ! Je vraiment besoin soutiens! Je suis que il y a d'autres opportunites et je serai patiente! très bonne fêtes à toute la famille aussi!

Ligaya : Thanks Ligaya! I'll be out of Marseille and will be back on beginning January! Will not have internet connection! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!