Jeune homme : Bonjour, ça va la petite!
Mayumi : Coucou ! (Mayumi qui as fait une signe de la main)
Moi : Bonjour !
Jeune homme : Alors, c'est quoi ton telephone ?
Moi : Excusez-moi ?
Jeune homme : Tu m'appelles ? (il m'a fais une signe de lui telephoner)
Moi : Désolé, je suis bien mariée!
En lui montrant ma bague. Je suis surprise, pourtant j'ai porté un jean et simple t-shirt et je ne me maquille pas.
Jeune homme : Ben, moi aussi !
Moi : Beh, alors pourquoi demander mon telephone? Il faut rester fidele vous ne croyez pas ?
Moi : Beh, alors pourquoi demander mon telephone? Il faut rester fidele vous ne croyez pas ?
Est-ce que vous avez remarquer qu'avant l'exchange des parole il me tutoyer quand j'ai lui dit "vous" là il a commercer à me vouvoyer!
Jeune homme : Vous avez les hommes non't pas comme vous le croyez! Il peuvent faire ce q'il veulent...
Je tien mon calme parce que ça sers à RIEN de s'enervé. Mais ça me faisait ch...
Moi : La mienne n'est pas comme ça! Je vous dire comme vous !!
Quel frimeur ce lui là, alors ! Il a voulu que la conversation allé encore plus loin mais je ne le cedez pas un seul instant parce que j'ai cesez d'être gentille... Je trouve que parfois les gens dépassent les bornes des limites. Je ne crois pas que je me suis fais dragé même c'est evident j'étais avec ma fille, alors là........comment il à pu osé de me dire que les hommes sont semblables! Je trouve que c'était fort, vous ne touvez pas?
Jeune homme : Vous avez les hommes non't pas comme vous le croyez! Il peuvent faire ce q'il veulent...
Je tien mon calme parce que ça sers à RIEN de s'enervé. Mais ça me faisait ch...
Moi : La mienne n'est pas comme ça! Je vous dire comme vous !!
Quel frimeur ce lui là, alors ! Il a voulu que la conversation allé encore plus loin mais je ne le cedez pas un seul instant parce que j'ai cesez d'être gentille... Je trouve que parfois les gens dépassent les bornes des limites. Je ne crois pas que je me suis fais dragé même c'est evident j'étais avec ma fille, alors là........comment il à pu osé de me dire que les hommes sont semblables! Je trouve que c'était fort, vous ne touvez pas?
As usual I leave around 4:15 in the afternoon to go pick up Sebastien from the school, of course with Mayumi in the stroller. At a given time, there was a young man approximately (25-28 years old) whom I crossed on the way. In the beginning I thought he wanted to say hello to Mayumi because he found her cute. Our conversation goes like this .....
Young man: Hello, how's the little one!
Mayumi: Hello! (Mayumi waved to say hello)
Me : Good day
Young man: Well, got a phone?
Me: Excuse me?
Young man: You call me? (giving me a hand sign to phone to him)
Me: Sorry, I am very well married!
By showing him my ring. I was surprised, provided that I was simpy dressed up with Jean and tee-shirt and I did not even have make up.
Young man: Bah, me too!
Me: Bah, then, why ask my telephone? You need to remain faithful, don't you think?
Have you noticed that before the exchanger of conversation, he was addressing on me like we knew each other.
Young man: You know, men are not what you believe they are ! They can do anything they want…
I stayed serene because it's useless to get exasperated . But he annoyed me …
Me: Mine is not like what you think ! I Or should I say, like you!
What a show-off ! He wanted that the conversation go even further but I didn't let him not even a chance because I have stopped being nice… I find that sometimes people exceed their limits. I cannot imagine, that someone tried to flirt with me even I was obviously with my daughter, well ........how dare him to tell me that men are alike ! I think, he went too far, don't you think?
footnotes : brief explanation of words
"tutoyer" - (tu) term used to address someone you know (family, close friends, & younger person)
"vouvoyer" - (vous) term used to address a stranger, plural term (sign of respect)
Young man: Hello, how's the little one!
Mayumi: Hello! (Mayumi waved to say hello)
Me : Good day
Young man: Well, got a phone?
Me: Excuse me?
Young man: You call me? (giving me a hand sign to phone to him)
Me: Sorry, I am very well married!
By showing him my ring. I was surprised, provided that I was simpy dressed up with Jean and tee-shirt and I did not even have make up.
Young man: Bah, me too!
Me: Bah, then, why ask my telephone? You need to remain faithful, don't you think?
Have you noticed that before the exchanger of conversation, he was addressing on me like we knew each other.
Young man: You know, men are not what you believe they are ! They can do anything they want…
I stayed serene because it's useless to get exasperated . But he annoyed me …
Me: Mine is not like what you think ! I Or should I say, like you!
What a show-off ! He wanted that the conversation go even further but I didn't let him not even a chance because I have stopped being nice… I find that sometimes people exceed their limits. I cannot imagine, that someone tried to flirt with me even I was obviously with my daughter, well ........how dare him to tell me that men are alike ! I think, he went too far, don't you think?
footnotes : brief explanation of words
"tutoyer" - (tu) term used to address someone you know (family, close friends, & younger person)
"vouvoyer" - (vous) term used to address a stranger, plural term (sign of respect)
Nung andun ako sa pinas, I had encountered like this. Sabi pa nya so what kung married ka na, may asawa rin ako.
Raquel - Siguro nga kung makakalusot eh di sugod!
Angelo de los Santos - Bonjour!Comme tu dis! Je suis convaincue que les hommes peuvent agir différemment...il y a des bons et des mauvaise comme par ailleurs.
Bienvenue et merçi beaucoup de ton passage!
Leah - I agree with you 101% Leah! Aba at sinama pa sa usapan ang asawa ko, that's one reason I hated with the conversation we had !
Makis - Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec toi! En tous cas je me méfie toujours donc je suis prête de ces genre de conversations et puis je ne serai pas encharné pour eviter des ennuis ;)!
take care
or else, do not speak with him at all, HE SMELLS TROUBLE.
Tell hubby agad, ng ma sipa if lolokoloko ulit, no siya!kala niya sa yo, just just!!!?
Francesca - Pansin ko nga type nila Asian hhmmm bakit kaya? Don't worry ngayon ko lang din sya nakita don sa way ko. Usually familiar na sa kin yung mga nakakasalubong ko sa daan, siguro napadaan lang sya don.
Oo nga kasi ginamit pa nya si Mimi ko, kunwari pa hello hello pa sya yon pala iba intensyon.
hahaha tama di ako just just!
hope you are well. ingat!
naku tama lang ginawa mo dun sa mamang yun.. hehehehehe
Nao - Hehehe right, na stero-type na rin kasi, meron din ganyan dito! Ang nakakainis pa di naman malaswa suot ko :(!
Toe - Thanks Toe but I would prefer he'll approached in a respectuous way ! We can always appreciate someone but in a very nice way di ba !
Thiz - THanks a lot and welcome here! Hay naku, kung di nga lang mahirap mag french di lang yon natikman nya !!! Tinagalog ko sana hahaha !
Faye - Thanks for welcoming & visitng me! Sarap ngang sampalin ng paa eh !
C'est vrai qu'il m'effraye un peu mais je ne le rends pas évident..surtout pas! Au cas où, j'aurais toujours quelque chose avec moi pour me protéger.
Nao - hahaha Nao sige translate ko para sa'yo :
hi haze, do not pay attention to these bastards, they often try to start the conversation… I had the same experience like that before, and even worse, he followed me. I was really afraid, and at the time, I do not speak the language yet. I quickly entered into a store or boutique, and helas, he gave up! Bastard !
So Okay ba Nao?! Have a nice day !