I don't know if you out there can still remember that we also have these accents ( sa tagalog diin o tuldik malumay o banayad,mabilis o masiglá,malumì o banayad na impít,maragsâ o biglâ, o mabilís na impít,mariín o mabagal, malaw-aw o paudlót.) so as to diffentiate a certain word and their meaning. Please click the link to know more about it Balarila Filipino .
( Sa anim na uring itó ng diín, ay tatlóng anyô lamang ng tuldík at isáng gitlíng ang ginagamit na panandâ, na gaya ng mga sumusunód:
tuldík na pahilís, ganitó: ( ' )
tuldík na paiwà, ganitó: ( ` )
tuldík na pakupyâ, ganitó: ( ^ )
gitlíng o muntíng guhit: ( - )
Here are some examples of the same word with different meanings and their accents :
abá - (interj.) an exclamatory expression
abâ - (adj.) humble, poor
ama - (n) wet nurse
amá - (n) father
anyaya - (v) to invite
anyaya - (n) disgrace
ay - (v) linking verb similar to the English to be
ay!- (interj.) oh !
babà - (n) chin
babâ - (rw) to go down, dismount
babâ - (v) to rest or lean against the hands
baga - (n) live coal, embers
bagà - (n) lungs, respiratory tracts
bagâ - (n) sickness of a nursing mother (tumor on the breast)
bagá - particle used in asking questions
bala -(n) bullet
balà - (n) threat, waming
bará - (n) obstruction, hindrance
bara - (n) measurement
basâ - (adj.) wet, moits
basa - (rw) read
batá -(n) child
batá - (v) to bear, to suffer
bata - (n) gown
kaka -(n) uncle
kakâ - (n) elder brother/sister
kaya - (conj) for this or for that reason
kaya - (n) ability
kita - (rw) see
kita (n) earning, salary
kità - (pron) you and I (used after the verb)
dala - (n) fishing net
dalá - (v) to carry
dalí - (n) inch
dalì - (n) speed, quicknees, earliness, ease
gabí - (n) night
gabi - (n) yam
gaga - (n) fool girl simpleton
gagá - (v) to appropriate, to usurp
galang - (n) respect
galáng - (n) bracelet
hamon - (v) to challenge
hamón - (n) ham
hità - (n) thigh
hitâ (v.n.) gain
laruan (n) toy
laruán - (n) playground, gaming place
ligaw - (n) suitor
ligáw - (adj.) astray
mama -(n) mother
mamà - (n) an address used in an elderly men when the speaker is not familiar
nana - (n) address for mother or grandmother
nanà - (n) pus
nasá - (n) desire, wish
nasa - (prep.) on ; in
pala - (n) shovel, spade
palà - ((intej.) an interjectional particle used to express surprise
pilin - (n) the side
pilíng - (n) bunch or cluster
sakdal - (n) law suit
sakdàl - (adv) extremely
sawâ -(adj) tired of
sawá - (n) kind of snake
sirâ - (adj) torn, defective
sirâ - (n) to tear
subô - (v) cannot back out
subô - (n) boiling as of rice being cooked
subò - (n) mouthful
sukà - (n) vinegar
suka - (n) vomit
tagá - (prep) from
tagâ - (v) to strike with a cutting tool, cut
tala - (n) bright star
talà - (v) to record; note
talon - (v) to jump
talón - (n) waterfall
tanan - (v) to elope
tanán - (pron.) all
tapa - (n) jerk pork or beef
tapá - (n) smoked meat, fish
tubo - (n) tube , pipe
tubó - (n) sugar cane
tubo - (n) gain, interest
yaya - (n) baby sitter
yayá - (v) to invite one to come along
I still have a lot to share but it's too long. I advise you to check your English-Tagalog, Tagalog-English Dictionary and you will understand more. I guess we also need to use these accents, otherwise their meanings are not the same anymore (buti na lang nagkakaintindihan tayong mga Pinoy kahit wala yang mga diin at tuldik na yan). Personally, we tend to forget these accents when we write a letter in our own native language. Is it because Filipino speak better English than any Asian countries and 90% of population find it easy to write and speak the Taglish way? Or is it really difficult for us to execute these accents? Better if we should start using it because it is part of our Filipino Phonetics & Education so then some foreign people will stop telling us that we do not have our own language and culture!
yeah, those accents. nobody uses them i guess. kasi naman, we dont really use written tagalog, everytime we do reports, even in the phils and even if your boss is pinoy, the report is systematically in english. sige nga, gamitin mo tagalog in accounting hehehe...
now you just made me realize that yes indeed, even in emails to my family or friends, i use english, or taglish at the most... ang hirap naman kasing diretsuhin ng tagalog e..
account : (n)paliwanag, matwid, halaga sa ngalan, talatuusan, pagkakailangan
(v) ipaliwanag, managot, isaalang-alang
In short, Accounting means mananagot, tapagpaliwanag ha ha ha !!! weird no lol
i miss your posts
Hi BTW, was hopping around and I'm glad I hopped onto your blog. :)
Toe : Thanks for hopping ! Indeed that we never learned how to use these accents correctly. The reason...i don't know maybe it's because we really understand each other with or without those accents. Hope to see you again here ;-)