Aujhourd'hui est une nouvelle étape qui commence. Après 4 ans en France j'ai eu ma nationalité Française (bien evidemment mon passeport Philippin est expiré ) donc il va falloir commencer le demarche pour ma double nationalité ! Voilà le 2007, c'est l'election presidentielles dans 18 jours !!! Quest-ce que la vie nous réserve cette fois-ci ? Je pose toujours des questions. D'idées vadrouillaient plutôt dans ma tête avec plein d'inquiétude . Est-ce que mon mari resteras toujours dans cette boite qui appartient au gouvernement ? En fait, ça été souvent un sujet de notre converstation parce qu'il y aura beaucoup de changements quand nous aurons le nouveau président. Si c'est le cas, l'idée de l'expatriation est toujours ouverte. Nous avons pas mal réfléchi à ce sujet car mon mari ne voulait pas vraiment rester dans son propre pays après tous quest-ce passe politiquement. Il me disait souvent s'il pourrait seulement trouver un travail bien payé aux Philippines il ne pensera pas million de fois.....c'est le déménagement tout de suite! L'idée semble intéressante !
En tant que Française maintenant, je ne sais pas si je dois vraiment exercer le droits de voter? Ma réticence est justifiée par le comportement des politicians ! Tous ce que je sais que les politiciens sont tous les mêmes! Pendant la campagne ils ont tous leurs promesses et leurs projets pour le peuple et pour le pays mais dès que quelqu'un sera élu la promesse sont oubliés ! Mais ça reste toujours des questions, je ne pouvais pas avoir des reponse car la vie ne depends que moi mais aussi sur le system dans lequel nous nous vivons ! Tous ce que je sais et donner plus d'objectifs dans ma vie quotidienne en tant que citoyen, une femme et une mère. Plus de l'organisation et d'apporter ma modeste contribution et tout mes energie de donner la meilleure en moi.
Comment le statut politique va-t-il dans votre pays ? Êtes-vous satisfaits de votre gouvernement ? Vous croyez toujours dans la démocratie ?
Note : Please click link for French Electoral Candidates
Translation :
The two previous years brought to me a lot, the coming of my daughter, my mother came for the first time to France and remained for 3 months. It is funny, as we always say “What a small world” I had the occasion to see my cousin and my uncles who work on the cruise ship where they particularly dock in Marseille. My brother got married and on January 2006 they had marvelous a baby girl. Also, my sister gave birth to a healthy baby boy… the family increases. My parents are always in good health, it's what important . The study of my youngest brother will be over soon, I am happy it is his last year and hope that he will have best results. After 2 years of working finally got the licence… what a joy ! There are so much beautiful events in my life which I am very grateful of.
Today is a new stage that starts. After 4 years in France I had my French nationality (obviously my Filipino passport is expired) thus it is necessary to begin working on my dual nationality! Here's 2007, it is the presidential election in 18 days!!! This time what life holds for us? It has been always unanswered questions. Ideas ramble in my head with full of concern. Will my husband always remain in the company that belongs to the government? In fact, that is often a subject of our conversation because there will be many changes when we will have the new president. If it is the case, the idea of the expatriation is always open. We often thought of this subject because my husband did not want to really stay in his own country after all what is happening politically. He oftens said to me if he could only find a well paid job in the Philippines he will not think a million times ..... we will immediately move! The idea seems interesting!
Being a naturalised French nationality now, I don't know if I need to really exercise the right to vote ? My reluctancy is justified by the behavior of the politicians! All I know politicians are the same ! During the campaign they have all their promises and their projects for the people and the country but as soon as somebody is elected the promise are all forgotten! But that always remain a question, I could not have the answers because the life depends not on me alone but also on the system in which we live ourselves! All what I know is to give more objectives in my everyday life as a citizen, a wife and a mother. More organization and bring my humble contributions and all my energy to give out best in me.
How's the political status in your country? Are you satisfied with your government? Do you still believe in democracy ?
Today is a new stage that starts. After 4 years in France I had my French nationality (obviously my Filipino passport is expired) thus it is necessary to begin working on my dual nationality! Here's 2007, it is the presidential election in 18 days!!! This time what life holds for us? It has been always unanswered questions. Ideas ramble in my head with full of concern. Will my husband always remain in the company that belongs to the government? In fact, that is often a subject of our conversation because there will be many changes when we will have the new president. If it is the case, the idea of the expatriation is always open. We often thought of this subject because my husband did not want to really stay in his own country after all what is happening politically. He oftens said to me if he could only find a well paid job in the Philippines he will not think a million times ..... we will immediately move! The idea seems interesting!
Being a naturalised French nationality now, I don't know if I need to really exercise the right to vote ? My reluctancy is justified by the behavior of the politicians! All I know politicians are the same ! During the campaign they have all their promises and their projects for the people and the country but as soon as somebody is elected the promise are all forgotten! But that always remain a question, I could not have the answers because the life depends not on me alone but also on the system in which we live ourselves! All what I know is to give more objectives in my everyday life as a citizen, a wife and a mother. More organization and bring my humble contributions and all my energy to give out best in me.
How's the political status in your country? Are you satisfied with your government? Do you still believe in democracy ?
We also have congressional elections in the Philippines. :)
bon, tu crois que ce sera une bonne idée d'attendre que Sarko soit président avant la démarche?
hope you enlighten us the process.
I have the copies of the requiremnts, but i dont know how it goes now with the "new systems" of french integration ek ek!LOL
about election, you have the right NOT to vote re: abstain.
Michel registred himself but will not vote for spiritual reasons.
As we are JW, we only voted for our God kasi.
all the best. Masarap ba feeling or ganun pa rin?
Good topic. Merci. :-)
ANALYSE : Pour moi c'était facile car je me suis mariée ici. En fait, après avoir eu l'expiration de mon carte de sejours (1 an en 2002) c'est là j'ai commencer la démarche de mon carte de sejours pour 10 ans et j'ai entendu à peu près 1 an (2003 j'avais mon 10 ans)! Ensuite, 2004 j'ai lancer la démarche pour la nationalité et j'ai eu la confirmation avant fin d'année 2005. Oui il faut traduire tout les documents, je connais quelq'un si tu veux, tu me dis si tu a besoin d'aide! Tu pourras envoyer les documents par email aussi!
A mon avis, tu pourras faire la demarche après l'elections presidentielles car si tu commence maintenant c'est un peu tard! De toute façon je ne suis pas sûre c'est Zarko gagneras. On verra !
Thanks FRANCESCA ! When I started doing the process for my nationality it was very easy because as I've said I was married here and I was at that time pregnant. The system changes...now they are more strict compared when I was doing the procedure for my nationality! What I could say is, before going to the prefecture make sure that all your documents are complete, translated (kahit na minsan iniisip mo na di importante yon basta dalhin mo)! Ganon kasi ginawa ko. About voting I will not maybe vote at the moment co'z I just had my nationality recently, I need to go to Mayor's office and register myself. I need to know more about France (history, human rights etc) to make sure!
PLAIN_JANE_TOO : Merçi de m'avoir visiter! Je ne me plains pas mais je dis mon propre opinion sur la politique en general! Chacun de nous est autorisé pour avoir un avis et un choix sur quelque chose. Personnellement, je veux exercer mes droits si je suis sûr de quelque chose. J'ai eu ma nationalité récemment et je voudrai prendre mon temps de ne pas precipiter de les choses!
You can reacquire you Filipino citizenship in the Philippines but I wouldn't mention it to the French authorities.
Even with Sarkozi as new president everything will be all right. France is a democratic country. In the long run Europe needs new blood (greying population).
Well paying jobs are rare in the Philippines unless you are sent by a big international company. If you want to earn a living you need to start your own business and this is not so easy as a foreigner. But many do…
Sarkozy isn't the president yet, we still have 10 days to vote (except me) then we will see.
I agree there's no big companies and well paying jobs in the Philippines and that make us sad...that's the result of having an economic problem and corruption. Putting up business is OK but someone needs to really study meticulously the why's & how's of putting up a business. Another thing working abroad is another soultion. Have a lot of friends working abroad (US, Europe, Asia) they manage very well their life.
So you are Belge! Why do you stay in Philippines then ? I'm sure you will have more opportunities back home! Have a nice day and just visited you site! Great gallery !